Monday, 23 April 2012

Day and night... trauma and freedom

In the last few years, I have become more of a thinker than ever before, more like a philosopher who keeps exploring ideas in my mind... and luckily I am blessed by having a partner who bounces back some of those ideas and I find these moments one of the most precious moments of our present life 😉

Questions over the self or some deep spiritual connection that I just made tends to be accompanied by goosebumps in my body, this is always a good sign to me 😀 it says I hit something important and deep.

Today I had one of those moments but in a therapy session...
Day and night! The need for us all to realise that all is like day and night.
I was talking about having tools to cope with the down moments that life will bring. Those dark and depressive moments that we all visited time to time and I said that it is important first to know that 'all will pass'!

I heard that in a mindfulness retreat, the story of a teacher whose student came to him and said: 'I don't know what to do... I try so hard but I am not getting there... I feel so down...' and the teacher said: 'all will pass' days went by and the student came back and said: 'wow today I really feel good and I understand... I feel really enlighten'  and the teacher said: 'all will pass'. Yes, that is one of the biggest realities that we all need to know. Nothing will ever be the same and all will pass because we are always changing. Everything changes by itself even without us wanting or knowing.

The second is 'stay with it' don't fight it. Don't avoid it or ignore it. But at the same time don't give it too much time and attention. Do face it, express it and explore it, do whatever you can do but then that is it. If you overdo it with attention and importance you only losing precious energy. So if it is painful, dark simply look at it, face it as it is for what it is and stay with it knowing that it will go.
For it always will. After the storm, the sun comes out because he was always there! After the dark night goes, the bright day comes! Simple!

Now think of this: when the night comes do you worry about the morning coming? Do you question it? - No! You don't! The night comes, you go to bed, sleep and in no time is morning!
But if you do, if you fight the fact that is night you will not be able to sleep and then time will not go... and it will feel like forever to get to the morning... so let's not fight those dark days/moments in our lives and they will go quicker then we can imagine it... 😁 x


  1. i liked this article, thanks. Michelle x

  2. Cool :) thank you! Maybe there is something there for you... Love and light to you. X
