Sunday, 22 April 2012

Healing Karma in Adelaide...

22nd April 

This morning I came across this article and it resonated with some inner truth:

"Dear ADELAIDE people (& anyone interested in Atlantis) I used to write for Inner self Magazine & by far the most FEEDBACK I ever had about one of my articles was for THE CRYSTAL CITY, which I wrote all about the Adelaide/Atlantis connection & why so many INTERNATIONAL people are drawn to this city, to heal their KARMA. If you haven't read the article or seen my other website, have a little look x"

I liked the idea of healing karma :) I always felt that I am one of those old souls that came to this life to do a lot of karma work. My life circumstances and young history told me that it must be a reason for me to be here!

I remember at age 16 deciding to live! Yes, I mean it as instead of dying because yes a part of me was wanting to go, not really be here and the other was like 'that is scary, not so sure...can someone simply notice me?' But no one noticed... or at least not what I expected :) it did not come in a psychical form like a member of the family or a friend but as an invisible force holding my hand, and I do mean 'holding' with strength!

And that was the beginning of me deciding to live and if I was to live, it must be a reason for that. The pain, the rejection, the doubts, the emptiness... all had to have a reason. And so that day in that white kitchen holding a knife I asked this invisible force to allow me to touch people, to make a difference in peoples lives. If I had to live in this life it had to have a good reason and the only one I could imagine was that I would be of help to others. (I can tell you now: I was heard more then I expected or wished for and 10 years later I was overwhelmed by the gift I was given... but that is a story I will share another time) x 

So back to this article: When I look back my life I realise how I meet people and they stay for a time and then they go... how there is always a meaning and I tend to realise that sometimes as soon as I met them. There is a positive side to this, the knowing that there is a reason for this friendship or relationship but there is a sad side too, the knowing it will end and pass. I believe they are all karmic relationships, the exchange of something within my soul family.

In this article, it talks about Adelaide and its healing properties and how so many people have this desire to go there and how the place brings out the darker inner shadow and makes us face the ego. All my life I have been attracted to Australia, of all the lovely places I would like to visit in the world that has always been on top of them all.
My question has been 'why' what is it? And the truth is I don't really know. I was very surprised when my brother said he feels that too, that he feel some kind of connection with people he has met through the years from there.

So now after I read this I am wondering if this is a calling for me to go and do some spiritual healing within myself. Maybe to confront my shadow face on. I sense there is a lot of spiritual people up there, most 'new age' (if we really can call it anymore as is not new any more lol) people pages I came across Facebook are all Australian, like the one from the article. So maybe is something there.
Today I told my family I will be looking seriously into this! Thinking of it bring a longing in my heart... I hope I will have the courage to follow it :) x

Photo: Crystal Quarry, Adelaide - found here

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