Friday, 27 April 2012

Death and Living...

27th April

I came across a few things about this in the last few days and I thought: 'umm quite an interesting subject I should try to write about it' so here I am... Let's see what comes...

I like the idea that only by knowing about death can we live.

'Death Makes Life Possible' explores the taboo topic of death and asks the fundamental question: How can understanding death give meaning to our lives?'

I believe that too, for only when we live fully do we accept death. By living fully I mean living conscious, present and aware of what is. If you are scared of death, you hide, you protect yourself, you avoid living because you scared of dying.

How many of us spend their lives doing exactly that, at least at some point of our life? Yes, I can see all those arms out... 😊 and I can see the ones who are not out because they scared of admitting exactly that to the world and to themselves. For that is one of the big issues in so many things in life and our inner world. We have issues with admitting things to ourselves! We ashamed of accepting that we anything else than 'good'.

The other issue to me in all this is that the fear of death can kill us anyway and how sad is that? To live a life where you are not living, where you are vegetating or living like one of those zombies from a horror film. But I see this in so many people, on tv, on the streets and in my practice. We stop living because we are scared! And sometimes it is not at all that we are scared of death - no, in fact, some of us at some point even welcomed it - it is that we are scared of living! Because living has became unbearable and therefore if we don't die for real we still kill ourselves and live a dead life, with no meaning, no purpose... Sad, lonely and depressive.

Do I have the answers? No I don't! But I have in fact some beliefs in all of this and one is the need for a purpose or at least the belief that there is one somewhere and you just need to find it! And the other is that we need to find our lost soul!

By lost soul I mean our real self, the one we lost touch since we have been bombarded with neglect, abuse, false believes and expectations plus our false interpretations of all this reality! We are all unique and we all have unique ways to interpret and react to the reality! That is what makes us, us - and not someone else. So if we choose consciously or not to react or act in a certain way to something done to us we need to take responsibility and accept it so you then can let go of it, the guilty or the anger that is keeping you stuck in time.

We get trapped in our traumas, fears and emotions and only when we get to know them, accept them and work with them do we start commenting with our real self. We need to know, really know ourselves and accept it for what it is! That acceptance needs to come from a place of unconditional love, the place that is within us, our hearts, our souls, our consciousness, what connects us all.

And by purpose, I mean a reason, a passion, a love for something. We all need to feel needed and valued, respected and accepted, loved! And we don't just need it but we have a right to it too. But what we don't need is to look for any of this anywhere... yes, I know, surprise, surprise! We need to only and simply look and find it all this within ourselves first! Then yes we can look into getting it somewhere else... And believe me, it will come!

The more you find it within you the more it will materialise in front of you! Because all will be mirroring yourself! That is all, so simple. If we are in pain we mirror pain in others and in the world, if we are in anger we project and mirror anger in others, if you are in love you project, attract and see love everywhere because all is mirroring what you are! We are connected! Gosh, this is so, so good!

So yes when you are in peace within and open the answers will come, the purpose will come to you. Sometimes it might just come in disguise so you have to give it a chance! Believe your heart, follow your instinct, trust your inner voice, your sixth sense, whatever you want to call it but go for it, because you don't know what you will find. Ok, let me explain that not always what is your purpose or what is right for you at that moment in time is a easy choice but what it will definitely be is an opportunity to grow! And that is why we are here :)

So let's not die, let's live and connect and forgive and express and love and be! X

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

WOW I just bought this beauty :) and I am so excited !  Thank you Universe ! How cool is that? All the way from Australia - Adelaide... hehe
So if I can't go to Adelaide (at least not now) Adelaide is coming to me!
*see my post on 'Healing Karma in Adelaide...'

So funny how these things manifest... the last couple nights I been feeling the need to sleep with a crystal and as I use them in my Healing/Meditation group I tend to keep them in the 'meeting bag' and they don't come out and go back to my altar... so this week I felt deprived. The few left are not so special so in a moment of despair I just grabbed one of crystal necklace and slept with in under my pillow.
Yesterday again, as I was putting together the altar in the meeting I was looking at my collection and realising I am in need of a good size crystal ! Something with weight and soul... Something that would be drawn to me and felt special.
This morning I come across this beauty for sale at a reduce price from Adelaide hills and I got the last one that in fact was the cheapest and the one I was drown to. I have to admit I hesitated a bit over the price but I was told: 'follow your heart' (by my partner not a special force lol) and so I did!
Can't wait to have it in my hands... x

Monday, 23 April 2012

Day and night... trauma and freedom

In the last few years, I have become more of a thinker than ever before, more like a philosopher who keeps exploring ideas in my mind... and luckily I am blessed by having a partner who bounces back some of those ideas and I find these moments one of the most precious moments of our present life 😉

Questions over the self or some deep spiritual connection that I just made tends to be accompanied by goosebumps in my body, this is always a good sign to me 😀 it says I hit something important and deep.

Today I had one of those moments but in a therapy session...
Day and night! The need for us all to realise that all is like day and night.
I was talking about having tools to cope with the down moments that life will bring. Those dark and depressive moments that we all visited time to time and I said that it is important first to know that 'all will pass'!

I heard that in a mindfulness retreat, the story of a teacher whose student came to him and said: 'I don't know what to do... I try so hard but I am not getting there... I feel so down...' and the teacher said: 'all will pass' days went by and the student came back and said: 'wow today I really feel good and I understand... I feel really enlighten'  and the teacher said: 'all will pass'. Yes, that is one of the biggest realities that we all need to know. Nothing will ever be the same and all will pass because we are always changing. Everything changes by itself even without us wanting or knowing.

The second is 'stay with it' don't fight it. Don't avoid it or ignore it. But at the same time don't give it too much time and attention. Do face it, express it and explore it, do whatever you can do but then that is it. If you overdo it with attention and importance you only losing precious energy. So if it is painful, dark simply look at it, face it as it is for what it is and stay with it knowing that it will go.
For it always will. After the storm, the sun comes out because he was always there! After the dark night goes, the bright day comes! Simple!

Now think of this: when the night comes do you worry about the morning coming? Do you question it? - No! You don't! The night comes, you go to bed, sleep and in no time is morning!
But if you do, if you fight the fact that is night you will not be able to sleep and then time will not go... and it will feel like forever to get to the morning... so let's not fight those dark days/moments in our lives and they will go quicker then we can imagine it... 😁 x

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Healing Karma in Adelaide...

22nd April 

This morning I came across this article and it resonated with some inner truth:

"Dear ADELAIDE people (& anyone interested in Atlantis) I used to write for Inner self Magazine & by far the most FEEDBACK I ever had about one of my articles was for THE CRYSTAL CITY, which I wrote all about the Adelaide/Atlantis connection & why so many INTERNATIONAL people are drawn to this city, to heal their KARMA. If you haven't read the article or seen my other website, have a little look x"

I liked the idea of healing karma :) I always felt that I am one of those old souls that came to this life to do a lot of karma work. My life circumstances and young history told me that it must be a reason for me to be here!

I remember at age 16 deciding to live! Yes, I mean it as instead of dying because yes a part of me was wanting to go, not really be here and the other was like 'that is scary, not so sure...can someone simply notice me?' But no one noticed... or at least not what I expected :) it did not come in a psychical form like a member of the family or a friend but as an invisible force holding my hand, and I do mean 'holding' with strength!

And that was the beginning of me deciding to live and if I was to live, it must be a reason for that. The pain, the rejection, the doubts, the emptiness... all had to have a reason. And so that day in that white kitchen holding a knife I asked this invisible force to allow me to touch people, to make a difference in peoples lives. If I had to live in this life it had to have a good reason and the only one I could imagine was that I would be of help to others. (I can tell you now: I was heard more then I expected or wished for and 10 years later I was overwhelmed by the gift I was given... but that is a story I will share another time) x 

So back to this article: When I look back my life I realise how I meet people and they stay for a time and then they go... how there is always a meaning and I tend to realise that sometimes as soon as I met them. There is a positive side to this, the knowing that there is a reason for this friendship or relationship but there is a sad side too, the knowing it will end and pass. I believe they are all karmic relationships, the exchange of something within my soul family.

In this article, it talks about Adelaide and its healing properties and how so many people have this desire to go there and how the place brings out the darker inner shadow and makes us face the ego. All my life I have been attracted to Australia, of all the lovely places I would like to visit in the world that has always been on top of them all.
My question has been 'why' what is it? And the truth is I don't really know. I was very surprised when my brother said he feels that too, that he feel some kind of connection with people he has met through the years from there.

So now after I read this I am wondering if this is a calling for me to go and do some spiritual healing within myself. Maybe to confront my shadow face on. I sense there is a lot of spiritual people up there, most 'new age' (if we really can call it anymore as is not new any more lol) people pages I came across Facebook are all Australian, like the one from the article. So maybe is something there.
Today I told my family I will be looking seriously into this! Thinking of it bring a longing in my heart... I hope I will have the courage to follow it :) x

Photo: Crystal Quarry, Adelaide - found here

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Thank you!

Ok this morning I got all my courage and after a few days just writing things here I decided it was time to tell people... I got my first official comment and by this evening I realise I had been visited 39 times ! You guys have no idea how exciting this makes me feel !! Wow Thank you so much for visiting, and do feel free to comment ! Love and light to you all. :) x

Gosh what a week...

20th April 

Gosh what a week has been... apparently all this sun explosions and of course the earth shifting... people are talking about feeling tense and with so much going on... I for starters feel I started the year on a high. This year is a year of beginnings! New things are happening and they happening fast! Things are really shifting and healing is happening! And one thing that is touching me is that more and more young people are waking up for this, younger and younger... time is going fast to all of us! Where do you remember thinking that as a child? Now we hear our children saying: 'wow mum is weekend again the week went so fast or gosh just the other day it was Christmas!' Yes, we all feeling it and I have read it that it is because of our physical body is trying to adapt with the "pole shift" of the earth. Because we are energy and energy is affected by magnetic fields. I thought that was a very interesting explanation. :)

If anyone is interested I find her very knowledgeable!  
"OK, so it's a gravitational Earth shift underway. Another way of saying "pole shift" perhaps. Just way too much upside down energy flying around, hence why the animals are all onto it before us, they don't have reasoning blocking their instinct. Doesn't feel anything disastrous though, more an elevated excitement in the atmosphere of what is to come, which I feel is unknown on a soul level at present. Be very ALERT to your own energy, stay in your centre & be aware where you place your intent over the next few days. More on this to come x" Elizabeth Peru © Deltawaves 2012

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Invisible act of Power-Caroline Myss

19th April

I have been reading a book by my favourite spiritual author: Caroline Myss - Invisible act of power. As always another good book... And I think I will be writing about things I have read in it... So first one: "People in the middle years, especially, seek out meaning. Carl Jung described maturity as an awakening to the need to live a life of spiritual purpose rather than simply fulfilling the basic needs of physical survival or pursuing pleasure. He saw each person as the hero of his or her own life's journey who sets out on a path to greater spiritual awareness." 

Ok so is this what middle life crisis is? At many levels, I believe it is! Most of us live life and create a comfortable life for us and our family because we feel this is what is expected of us! By our family- parents and society. To grow up with inbred expectations and beliefs. Some were real and some were only our interpretation of them. And this is a big point in human beings life! We choose what to feel or believe something means! Mostly unconsciously but never the less we do need to take responsibly of this one day! 
Have you question about how two siblings have so different ideas of their parents' ways of discipline, for example? How the same trauma experienced by a group of people have so different consequences in them. The way they reacted at the time or how it affected them afterwards? That is because we all unique and we experience things differently! So the same action, let's say: 'you can never do anything!' by a parent can make the child feel insecure, unloved, unwanted and a failure who will grow up to be always a nobody with low self-esteem and feeling like he can never do anything well enough and therefore he is a waste of space. Ok, I am pushing here but I want to make a point :) 

The brother was told exactly the same thing and became angry, and rebellious and hated his parents and went on pretending he didn't care... He made a life for himself and carry on, today he still doesn't talk to his parents and in fact, even though he has a good job and even a family he is never happy and has become a bully just like he was in school. 
But there is another brother! This one didn't get angry or allowed himself to be a nobody, he is the pride of his parents but he doesn't know it! He carried on life doing always his very, very best! The best at school, the best husband, the best son, the best father now... He does everything so well, with so much care... Waiting and waiting for his parents' approval, but even though deep inside they are proud they never thought of telling him! Why should they? He is a grown man with a fantastic job, sure he doesn't need mum to say ' well done! I am so proud of you! ' But guess what he does! They all do! We all do.

Until one day they stop pretending, they have a crisis. Their body will be saying: stop pretending! Stop doing all this for someone else! Stop thinking those things about yourself! Depression comes in, middle life crisis come in... With luck and good help, they all will learn about themselves and why they are like that and they will reconnect with their true selves and begin a new life. A life where they will not need anymore the approval of the parents for they have their own approval. They will be proud of themselves and love themselves for who they are. They will be free! X

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

This is what I create this evening to have in the background of this page but as you can see it possibly wouldn't work that well. But the inspiration is the title of this blog: Fragments of a Soul (and yes I spelt it with 'es' so it was unique!)  
It shows things about myself that I am interested in. Hope you like it :) x

I am blogging!

This is it! Is done! I am blogging... Hehe not sure what this will be and how I will make this known to people... But we will see... Is not totally there as I wanted upload a picture I create for the background but it was too big plus possibly not the best thing for there has far to many things so I think I will just post it here. Still kind of trying to find my way here... X

Deciding to write...

16th April 2012

This morning I was thinking about storage and my storage space outside where I keep things just in case one day I might use them. I have a liking of finding things and thinking: umm that looks nice, that is something I can use one day... That can be for the bathroom, that can be for ..., that can be... Clothes, bags that I like and think even if I don't use them now, that maybe one day I will clean it and still use it, maybe one day I will have the space and be easier to see them all and use them... Maybe one day when I work from home seeing my clients and dress up I can use those shoes I can't walk on... All are attached to maybes and hopes... The desire to reused, recycle and live again!

But I realised something else today:  my life is like that too, I do that with my gifts and what I know I can do. I keep putting them in storage! Waiting for that right moment, the space, the bigger house, the opportunity... All is on hold! Everything has been kept in the meantime! Like if life at the moment is simply in the In-between...

17th April

Ah yes, and of course there are the books! Tones of them waiting to be read! And in the meantime on a shelf or on a pile... In all of them,  there is the hope that I will look at one and think: I could start reading you... That one there is the kind of book I think I might like reading when I am much, much older... And that one I have heard of and I know is good, but I don't really want to read it (at least not now) but I sense that maybe one day I will or maybe someone will. I can be good at recommending books or lending them, but I do want them back... Far too protective of some of them.

The autobiographies are a mystery to me... I have a few, in fact, I sense that my unconscious is planning to build some library of them even though I possibly have only read one or two of them, but again I feel one day I will have the time and the willingness to do so. Ok, I can hear the thoughts up there of anyone reading this one day... I am a collector!! I collect and hold and live in hope of using, giving an opportunity to all of these things to be used, read or even given away to the right person at the right time. 

As you possibly ( I hope! ) have hoped or realised I don't buy any of this new! Oh no! That would never have been the point! I am addicted to charities! In fact more specifically one charity very dear to me just down the road: Saint Christopher's Hospice! How ironic is that? I have been supporting something that helps and takes care of OLD people! Me! Who is dumb scared of being old and/or die! But in fact, they are dear to me because they do something amazing, they help you go! Ok not really help as I don't think that is legal yet ( I so hope! By the time I get there!) but they help terminal ill people to find some peace and comfort and they help their families with coping with accepting and letting go of their loved ones. I am totally up for that! 

So yes I am in this charity every week, we have our walks down the road on a Saturday morning just to go and see if there are any bargains... Yes because that is the most important thing of all this ritual - it has to be a bargain! It has to be something worth it unless I totally love it and need it, for that would be the only occasion I would be tempted to pay a bit more... But usually, a few pounds here and there is all I spend. Mind you it becomes like the pound shop... One pound here, one pound there and is a total of £20 on the till... Clever them! Not all charities get this right. Down another road, there is another one (the mind) that of course, I should be supporting as they work with Mental Health, but they price things highly! Even Primark things are more pricy than the original price on the shop - total madness! So things stay there for ages... I very rarely go in and even fewer times have I spend any money there. They don't understand, my one ( yep that is how I already call it! Owning something makes you feel even better! ) even does a Sale! Where on earth have you seen a charity doing a sale? They do! Two for one or all for a pound from that rail. And is never horrible things that have been around for centuries, oh no, not all at. They do this because they want to move things... Make money and get new things in. I love them!
And because of the good cause, they support I feel no guilt in buying a few things more, even if I don't use them I feel I am supporting something great. (Yes, yes I know that is my big excuse! But come on is a good one, so I can be forgiven!) The trouble of this is I do spend more than I should really... So I do give my self a few weeks off!

Should I talk about old age, as I touched it above? Maybe I should... This is a trouble for me, something that is a big issue and something I am not sure how to come to terms with. Age! Ok, let's explain that my issues are not related to looks! Ok, I say that because I am fortunate to have great genes and not at all look my age, as yet! But my issues are with things like losing your mind! Forgetting things, being confused, losing your sense of self. On top of that, of course, illness, pain, immobility... I have had already a good dose of what pain is and knowing that is what is most likely the future to be... Is horribly scary! But on top of this, there is an even more scary part of getting old! And this is my top trauma! Becoming dependent! Going back to become 'the child'! Not having control of what and how anything is done to you or for you! We all know how much abuse there is in this area and that is completely my biggest nightmare! So much so, that just writing this here is making my tummy crumble... And I might choose o leave it for now... I will be back :) x

Ok, I am back for a moment... I was thinking of hope and I just finished a book by a friend Claus Bockmann called "hope" where he kind of makes us see that there is hope, if only we all do our bit there is hope in everything and everywhere... But what about when we run out of time? When we feel we wish to go back in time and relive something... I have been thinking about this recently...

Gosh- definitely- age! Just yesterday as I was watching our ( my daughter and I) agreed Monday film ( a series called Pretty Little Lies) and there was this scene on it where this teenager girl is kissing this boys neck and I just thought: wow I want to remember how that really felt, I want to go back to those kinds of moments and experience them again! The passion of those moments, the butterfly's on the tummy... Don't we miss that? I don't mean going and doing that now, because that would never be the same... Not experience it as a 44 years old woman who lived it but as a 16, 18, 21, 25... years old girl who wants to live! Yes, that is what it is... I feel I am running out of time for living! 

I was looking at someone I know yesterday and realising how much older she looks, ( I think she is in her 60's) and I thought gosh I met her about 15 years ago, so she was probably around my age now... 15 years went in a flash! She is lucky that she is active, working, going on holidays but her older husband is almost invalid after breaking his hip. It makes you wonder and for me makes me want to catch a back in time machine! Not at all saying, I am not happy where I am, I kind of am... But is hard... I might be having a middle life crisis after all!!! Oh my God! Help!    
Have to go again... See you later for more thoughts! X

Been out to Bromley and I stop by the stairs in M&S looking at people... Older people. Some they just old and some you think they young from behind and get a shock when you see the other side... Hehe, I wonder which will I be? Hard to imagine what is to come and even more the fact that I am nowhere where I would want to be. But then again where do I want to be? That is always so hard... I can easily say possibly what I don't want but always found it hard to say what I want or imagine it. Maybe that is why I am not really anywhere else...ops!

Just before Easter I was having Supervision and talking about me and a client needing to get her childhood facts together so she can build the puzzle of her life. I can relate to that myself for I wished I had asked questions but time went by and circumstances never helped. My father died when I was just 16 and after quite a fight in the hospital a few weeks before... Some questions were answered in that fight but there is always so much more. Life continued then... Then when I was about 20 my mother age 50 then had a stroke and never spoke again! So no questions were asked and now I look back and wonder... One big thing has been playing in my mind more than ever, in the last 18 months, after I found out that my real godparents were some else! I always treated as my godparents a couple that turns out it was never it. My cousin was and a mysterious man, friend of my father from work who I never saw and know nothing! 

When I was a child I was told I was a twin, that my sister was born after me dead and a month younger. I always carried the question: what it would be like having a twin? A sister like me? But at the same time, I always felt as if I owned her my like! She died so I could live because my mum was too weak and undernourished possibly even anaemic as she often was. I have carried this with me, the sense that I owned something. 

Then as a toddler I was very ill and could have died if my aunt and grandmother wouldn't have visited my mum and taken me to hospital in time. Later on, I end up staying with my aunt and ancle, because my parents were not coping, and later is believed my brother who was staying around at the time give me some medication that caused me to have fits and doctors to think I was epileptic. So over and over again I could have died but I didn't . I was given second and third chances... by the universe and as such, I feel like I  have to give back at all times. My supervised realised this and reflected at me that maybe because I feel I own it, I have so much issues with giving myself the opportunity to be valued by what I do by being paid. 

At the time this really hit on something big... I am happy to give, help and even though I understand the need to charge something with the service, I am quite resistant when this can involve money.
I feel I have to get some closer to this unspoken secret of my family. This sister that never was talked about, that possibly was the reason my mum couldn't cope needs to be find! I birth certificate or a death certificate need to be found. Because at the moment I am even wondering: what if she is alive and was given away? Maybe that is why I have a godfather I have never seen, maybe he is the person who took her and maybe because mum was feeling guilty and unhappy she was possibly depressed and not coping. Gosh, family secrets! Who wants them?

18th April

Yesterday as I was thinking of this thing about missing doing things when I was younger, I realised what I am really talking about is: I miss experiencing things for the first time! The innocence that comes with it. The not knowing or better the not remembering it, yet. Yes, that is what it is. Now I have lived and experienced it, and because I am a more mature and wiser person even what I haven't physically experienced I have a pretty good idea what must be like. Then I didn't! Then all was new, intense and fresh. My desire is so big that I was thinking even though my childhood and teenager years were painful and troubled I wouldn't mind to go back and live them again just so I could experience them, the intensity of the feelings, the drama, the passion... The love, the hate, the tears, the pain, the laughter, the love...

I hear people asking: why don't we remember our past lives? That is why! So you can experience things as the first time!! Like tasting for the first time the fresh water from a stream... Can you remember? Can you imagine what it felt like? That touch, that sound, that moment of 'the first time' even if it wasn't a pleasante one, it brought something unique that now as you look back you know you will never, never feel again... 

Ok not in this life! Because yes the next one we all will experience new first times- thanks God for that! But what I really want is now! This one here, the present one! If I had the money I would be investing in doing sessions on hypnotherapy so I could go back and experience it, some of it all over again in my mind! Yes, that could be interesting, but not really the same. So I am left with only these empty desires and longing for what is no more. Maybe what I need to do really is not look into what I miss but what I have and what I can have new... The experience of being able to reflect on all this is pretty unique :) and is something a teenager would never have the time or willingness to do. So that is a new experience! And so maybe the answer to my desire is really to adapt with what is new! A different new but a new all the same!  Gosh don't I love it when I become philosophing... Hehe

New subject! 

I came across this from a friend on Facebook and thought how interesting question, so I decided to paste to here with some of mine and other comments:

"Do the people who think they are evil do more harm in the world or the people who think they are good?" I thought this was a really interesting question...

J: The seductiveness of every protest movement is that, by opposing the 'evil', it persuades us that we must be amongst the 'good'. But "he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her". Do we really occupy a moral high ground from which we can censure politicians, bankers and all of the other convenient scapegoats of our times - or have we just pitched our tents in a place we have no rights to?

Me: I think there are very few people who know they are evil and they are happy about it. The others who know (and this is important) they are evil, are probably uncomfortable and in a lot of self-punishment mood already... So I believe the ones to look for is the ones who have this idea they are all good and special, for these are the ones who easily fall. These are the ones in denial of their own shadow (evil) and so they not in control of it. The true reality is that we all light and darkness, and we are the only ones who can be in touch with it and choose. But if we pretend to be just one we denying the existence of the other and that is when that one can take over in a small second, on that crucial moment and there is no turning back and guilt will never do. It is like traumas, painful memories, dark moments of our lives. If you choose to ignore them you will do it for some time, sometimes a long, long time... But one day, one sound, one depression, one painful moment in your life will take you back! And is only when you face it, accept it as yours that you can set yourself free! 

J: Yes, I totally agree with this. It also seems to me that unless we can see others' weaknesses in ourselves we can't have any true empathy. I see lots of rage against what others are doing but little recognition that we have the same faults, and would probably do the same things in the same circumstances.

B: It is described right in the 'material', as you know. And I think that Freud was onto something with his description of the defence mechanism he called projection.

Me: Yes-projection!! We project so many things to others that are ours! That we feel about ourselves or when someone reminds us of someone else. What we really need is to be more aware! Aware of our thought and actions! The whys behind it. But that comes with a big 'R' for RESPONSIBILITY and who wants that? Is hard to live when we become so aware but at the same time is wonderful and that is the point that us human and slightly more advance souls are here to do! That is hard work but is rewarding too. Because of course leaves you understanding the behaviour of people around you and that makes us more accepting, empathic and loving. We need to understand! We have a brain seeking to be used! A soul wanting to be remembered! A body wanting to live and experience! X

That was good? Wasn't it? It makes you think, question and wonder... I like that!
Have to go... See you later.... x