Saturday, 24 November 2012
Ageing with consciousness is the answer for the fear of ageing! Written Oct'12
This week I had a big realisation over something that has bothered me for a long, long time. Is quite amazing how things happen when we less expect it.
As I face the fact that as we all, I will get older I have realised this is something I have big issues with and that it troubles me immensely. I talk about this on my first article here...
Don't take me wrong, I am not talking of looks - ok I have been blessed so far with good genes except for my almost full white head, so I know is simple and normal that the body changes as we get older. Of course, I wish to stay healthy and fit, at least moving 😃 but I know things will change and there is not much one can do about that, except of course looking after ourselves the best way we can with what we eating, etc.
My issue is simple: my fear is about becoming vulnerable, dependent and more than anything incapable of making and taking decisions! I do not want to become a child again. A big baby with nappies, completely dependent on the care of others, vulnerable to abuse.
So for that reason, I am a big believer in being in control of our own death. I believe we human deserve the same treatment as animals have. If he is suffering and there is not much one can do we put him asleep! Simple dignify and the most wonderful, powerful thing we can ever do! So how come we treat animals better than ourselves? Why do we force life to be prolonged? With machines and drugs that all it does is keeping us alive in a vegetive sense that for me is simple inhumane!
(I left far too long to finish this exploration of my thoughts but here I am going to try to end it with what I end up finding then)
Being conscious about who we are and where we come from and belong to can be the answer to letting go of this fear and anxiety!
A baby is in peace with himself, his soul knows who he is, there might be resistances of accepting their own choice of coming back here in some cases but most are content and not at all conscious of needing to understand the what's and the whys of what is going on around him. His needs are basic and primitive: nourishment! This is the only physical need, he is still possibly much more aware and intouch of what he (the soul) really is. He chose to have a physical body and experience so he accepts that and lets go of his need for a soul experience.
So the answer here is to create an opposite experience as we get old. We need to let go of our need for the physical experience and accept the true reality that we are a soul, a spirit.
So as we get old the more we will be in touch with our spiritual life and being, the more conscious we are about who we are as a person and as a soul the more we will be living a more detached life from the physical side of things. This will help with the acceptance of the physical reality we might have to experience then.
Maybe when we get to be really ill or not totally there mentally that does not mean that we are unhappy inside, maybe that just means we are living more and more in the other side of conscious. Maybe we not here mentally because we are up there already enjoying our freedom as a soul.
This would help with letting go of our need of being in control and again if we live a more compassionate, conscious life we could ask and trust others to know our wishes and take care of it for us. Just like a baby trust that if the mother loves him he will be looked after and loved. 😊
Sunday, 7 October 2012
The role of a Master is not to be a teacher!
Something else happened this summer that made me realise something quite big: the role of a master/teacher and in fact how they are not the same as most of us assume!
First, let look into the background of it all.
When I met my partner over six years ago, he told me about being part of a spiritual group. That they followed some kind of Sufi teachings, and that they met every week as a small group in each city and at special dates, they would meet where their master lives.
I had never heard of Sufism before, but with time I came to learn more about it and admire the personal dedication and commitment that it takes. Discipline has never been my strongest point so realising that being part of this group would involve me doing daily special exercises, that can take over an hour, kind of told me this was never for me!
But I realised as well that I don't just admire my partner's dedication. I admire his discipline and at some level, I envy that! Within over 11 years that he has been with this group he has never missed one of his daily exercises. Wow! Shame though he does not apply this in other areas of his life 😢 but that is another story! Hehe
Yes, I envy his discipline for I could never do it, but I wish I could.

Now, on my first experience, I remember how troubled (inwards) my other half was just before we travelled. The preparations for it were not as smooth and there were tensions in the air even between us. He has mentioned that it was typical of what the energy could do, that it would get better as we would get there, but that his ex could never understand it.
The first week there, I could feel it too! The people were super friendly, there were love and friendship in the rooms of these dinners... I felt a spiritual connection with it all from day one. I felt at home, this was family and in an amazing way – even though I was and still am not officially part of them 😀 – I felt super welcomed and treated as equal. There was something very special there.
The Master is a character! Getting quite old by now (80) but full of energy, humour and love for women 😀 (his Latin blood obviously!) I recall the way he looked at me: you know he can see through you! And I became aware of the power of unspoken words!
That week I felt the energy pull and stretch inside me. It is difficult to explain because it is not really physical but you know it is happening. I felt irritable and sensitive knowing that it was not me. You could say it was hard work, but we didn't mind it and when one can simply relax and not have to do anything or follow any time, these things become easier. Because we can simply sleep and absorb it. And sleep we did! And I fell in love with it so much that we have been going there every summer. It is the only place I feel I can let go and relax, simply be. Until this summer...
One thing I couldn't understand: how is he a Master, a teacher, but there are no teachings! He never wrote a book, and he gives no talks. He simply says things in-jokes, and maybe a story here and there.
I was told there were two books: The Way by Juan Sgolastra and Between Heaven and Earth by Marco Santello written by his first followers, that people could read and feel if there was something there for them. Then they would get in touch with the local group and ask permission to belong to it. Everything is controlled and run by this Master.
I read these books and liked them. But again they were stories of these people's journeys and connection with this Master but no teachings. In fact, there is no mention even that he follows a line of big Sufi Masters. There is a sense about this being about the quality of life and something for the 21st century but still, they accept that the exercises are mostly using sounds that come from ancient Arabic/Persian for example. I started noticing that possibly my partner was one of the very few who had a real sense and knowledge of the history and meaning of it all. For he has spent his all life studying and following the Sufism studies and had met various people who were and are important as a context for it all.
Time has gone by. Going there in the summer has become a way for us to 'charge the batteries'. At times I felt confused and troubled by being there and feeling so at home, and understanding so well the energy and the dynamic of it all but not being 'officially' part of it. Not just that I don't wear the necklace they all do, I don't do the daily exercises or go to their weekly meetings or even pay my monthly contribution. But I am involved with a lot of the people and I am there every year! So sometimes I felt like an impostor and that left me uncomfortable. I would have this master come into my dreams, and I would feel the connection stronger but still I could not commit. My free spirit wouldn't let me!
You see I like experimenting, experiencing, trying – but I don't like to have to restrict myself with belonging to something exclusive. I have experienced many churches, read many books, done many workshops... But for me, nothing is exclusively true. So I find myself taking something from here that feels right in my heart, and something else from there and I make my own truth. (I do that with cooking too and the cookery books I have, I hardly ever follow a recipe – I just get ideas!) I can never read a book or listen to a religious concept and say: yes that is the truth, that is what I want or need to believe, that is the only way. Because I know in my heart that is not! So my heart for many years has said that the truth is everywhere, and the real truth is not someone else's truth but mine. For their truth is theirs alone!
I believe there are many ways to God – to the divine – as there are names to name it. Truth, reality, is only our own perception at a given time due to all sorts of contributors: history, experiences, lessons, society, science at that time, etc. So really nothing is ever absolute, nothing is unchangeable, nothing is still and nothing is ever real and truth to all.
I believe this is one of the big lessons human beings have to learn to become at peace and in peace with it all. Themselves and everyone else! The truth is all is the same! Divine!
In fact just recently have started realising and understanding one of the concepts of the Sufism teachings: that we are expressions of God, the divine. That we exist so the divine can experience all that he can be! Good and bad, dark and light...
I found this a hard one, for this implies accepting our own divinity and is that not one of our own hardest struggles in this human life?
Anyway going back, this summer again we decided to go. For some time my partner has said he didn't feel much of a need to go and in fact for some time he felt his Master looking at him as if he was saying: 'What are you still doing here?' But we like it there so we have been going.
But this year I experienced something different. I felt the energy different and so many things were so wrong! The food in the market was not as nice, the sea had stones in our normal beach, the water was dirtier like never before... And everything felt closed, tired. The place and the energy were now closing for me too! I do not need to go there any more – or at least not as often. It was quite shocking to feel such a thing when you take it for granted.
But I still came back home, as usual, knowing that it had served its propose and I now have new beginnings to consider.
Not long after we came back, my partner found himself doing a deep spiritual journey reading a book written by someone (within the Sufism knowledge) he knew and who talked about things, like stories, places, people that were and are very important to my partner from his young years.
Somehow this and more stuff that went on got to be misunderstood. As if he and some others were crossing boundaries by reading things that were coming from another line of Master. Of course, this shocked him and me for I realise how people can be even when they come from a spiritual path. Can't they see, the base is the same? But of course, these people don't always know the history of it all. Still, this made my partner very shaken and wondering if this even meant it that he would have to leave his beloved Master's group, for it felt this was not right. Of course, this was never needed because this was never about his Master.
But this left us exploring things deeper and I then realise something big:
My conclusion:

So that is why there are no teachings because what you need to be taught is unique to you, so the master invisibly will provide you with the opportunity to find the book or the person with the message you need. Like the story, I told in my previous post about the girl needing help to feel safe about psychic attacks. She was upset that this Master said he had no time. But of course, that was because that is not for him to answer. But what happened was that, as soon as she asked for help, the help came – in this case in the form of me! 😃
I tell you a story. Years ago a close friend of mine was having strong headaches and not taking much notice of them... The doctors were saying it must be stress, tension... The usual things...
Then one day I had a strong premonition, I felt it so strongly that she had an aneurysm in her brain and that it was/could explode at any moment. I was so overwhelmed by this, shaking.
I told her to persuade the doctors to let her have a scan, but it was all taking so long... She finally had the scan done and it showed the aneurysm. I was panicking! I gave her some healing but I felt I needed help here! A big intervention for she was going to die!
Summer came and we went on our usual holiday so I thought, ok, I will get all my courage and see if I can arrange to see this Master for a couple of minutes to ask for help.
My partner very nicely, knowing that I have a strong mind, explained that was very unlikely but maybe I could talk to some of his helpers and see what could be done.
As soon as I got there I knew in my heart that I would not see him! But I talked to a few people in hope of being wrong. They were kind and one said: 'you are doing everything it needs and you can do! It will be ok.' I smiled but my heart was squeezed and I was so anxious... Still, I decided to just put out my intention, my crying out for help and trust...
After we came back, a few weeks after my friend had a second scan done to confirm the first and see if there had been any changes. It had gone! 😊 she never got to know the all story or the struggle I went through.
So I now understand what it is that is going on. And there is another level for a Master. He is there to provide you with what you need as tools but not to do it for you. He is there like a therapist working with expectations, transferences, etc. That is why every single small thing can be interpreted. The way he looks, what he says, the love and rejection. Even when we don't like it or can't even understand what he provokes in us, these are opportunities for growth and self-understanding as well as bringing into consciousness something we need.
But, like a therapist, a Master should not create dependence. There will be a time when we have learnt how to use the tools when we are aware of ourselves and we have internalised the therapist or in this case the Master. The connection is there forever so we no longer need it physically!
That is the beauty of therapy that I see in my work as a counsellor when clients are ready to go.
That I believe is what is happening with my partner and why the place felt it was closing to me too.
I know this, I understand this. My connection is alive 24/7. I don't need the generator for I am the energy, the light, the everything.
Thanks for reading, please feel free to comment :) xxx
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Spirit release, the need not to fear...
This summer I read a book on psychic attacks: Spirit Release by Sue Allen, that I found very interesting as I grew up with these kinds of things. Meaning my family used to see a medium who contacted the spirits and who would help people with all sorts of illnesses and problems that were coming from the spirit to the physical.
It was amazing and in a way, I think it built my own interest in this kind of thing.
Plus being exposed to this kind of displays - and believe me, they could be quite theatrical 😉 even though the lady was very grounded and direct to everyone - made me not scared! Yes, the fear I realise is the door for this kind of things... So the big answer is not to be scared, no matter what.
As a child, I remember being amused and wondering how did she do that? She would say to someone something like: 'why are you even here? You don't even love him! Are you sure you want to help him? Or is it simply all because of what your mother thinks?' the person would go white by the shock of the truth and the embarrassment of this being shared in a room full of strangers. But it worked.
Next, she would be saying: ' wonder the doctors can't find anything... Do you know of a car accident where some John died?' after some pause... 'oh yes it must be my husband's friend from work... He died 3 months ago...'
'yes, yes he is with your husband, the headache he has is from this person, that is how he died in the car, he can't leave your husband because... Ok, you need to....'
Mostly this would be candles to diverse saints and listening to a number of masses (normally 33). I grew up in a Catholic country! All this for this spirit to get the help he needed and be taken to the light. It always worked!
Other times she would describe the person who had done some black magic to you and give you a horrible tea to drink at home, that made you throw up things no one would ever believe... I am lucky I was never asked to do that myself, but I saw some of my family members taking it, and what came out was more the kind of thing you might see in films! The one I remember well is my aunt throwing up two eyes that looked like they came from the biggest fish ever, and trust me she had not eaten fish! Especially not the eyes!
Anyway, this book definitely made me go back there, to my childhood and how this woman has affected me and inspired me into the spirit side of life.
I don't do what she did, but I have had some experiences of mediumship myself and dealing with 'negative' identities and I know that it was seeing her that made me not be scared of these things. She would allow spirits to talk through her and pass messages to people. I always saw it as a play, but then my father died and he came to her and spoke! I was 16 and that was it, I was a believer! This was real! Oops!
Anyway, I read this book, not really sure for what, except that maybe one of my fantasies is one day be exorcising spirits! Hehe But as I was on holiday and had just finished reading it, I met someone who out of nowhere started talking about her worries and fears that we all can be psychically attacked!
She had come across some spiritual group where the leader didn't stop talking about these things and how we are all vulnerable, etc.
And then a friend of hers - when his father died - had seen these evil things come and get him. His dad was not even a believer... So now she is scared! And not sure why this man didn't get help in the spirit world.
I was quite taken by the fact that this person was talking about these things to me, and that there are people out there scaring others with these things. So not just religion uses fear to manipulate you but some silly new age gurus are doing the same!
Why are human beings always so desperate first to have power and control and secondly to be right! To believe what we do or have is better than what the others do or have! Aargh! This makes me so frustrated! I hear this with religion, healing ways, and with everyday things like what car, or what brand of jeans or shoes to wear.
As you can imagine I spent some time explaining and reassuring this girl that she has no reason to have fear. Yes, all that is possible - but at the end of the day what we have to think and take care of is number one: us.
So by looking after ourselves, staying positive, grounded, protected and mostly trust and have no fear, we should be ok.
We can ask for guidance and help at any time and if we become more and more conscious of ourselves we will become aware of our body, psychically and spiritually, and so we will know when something that is not ours comes closer.
When this happens, love and understanding will dilute it. Darkness needs understanding and love - it needs to be seen, but not given any special attention or value. It is what it is. Nothing more and nothing less. If you're love and light, it will not stay.
I hope this article reassures some of you that it is not necessary truth that the world is becoming a scarier place to be! The truth is that we are seeing it like this because of the media we are exposed to! The world is better than ever in many ways! Of course, in others, it is lacking one big thing we have been missing: RESPONSIBILITY! We all need to take more responsibility in the way we live and act because at the end of the day we cannot change anything or anyone except ourselves. And therefore it is us we need to take care and change. That might be in the physical or the spiritual level.
We need to open up our intuition, trust, open up our hearts and become more conscious of our bodies and souls, of our thoughts and actions. Only then can we let go of the need to control and the fear of the unknown.
Love to you all. xxx
Monday, 17 September 2012
My Summer Journey...
When so much is going on inside you sometimes words become hard to be expressed...
That is kind of where I think I have been for months.
Decisions! Need to follow what I know I need to do. Change!
But before any of that was possible to be started I wanted to go on holiday!
Summer was here but instead, the rain became our daily bread and I founded my self being more and more unhappy and desperate...
Money was not materialising, stress was taking over... And I so needed to go away! See this sun that I was not able to see in this country. Oh, this was weeks and weeks of darkness, wetness and inner trouble... I knew as I always know that all would work out in the end... But the in-between was fear, anxiety, worry... Even my heart started playing silly palpitations on me.
But as with everything, 'all will pass' and it did. We end up going away to that so deserved two weeks holiday... 😀 Sun! Finally!
Ok, now we back and I am so happy that the Sun has come with us and is here 😁 I feel so blessed and energised... This is perfection for me. Not too hot, not too cold, blue skies and still not too short the days. It makes us feel like doing things and being so much happier.
I came back having decided that was now time for changing!
For months this has been playing in my mind, I even talked about this here: *Fragmentes of a Soul: Full Circle - more self-exploration...
First for some time my heart was closing about my part-time job. Telling me it was time to leave.
Sad as for so many years I felt and knew I meant to be there. It was important for them and for me. But now I started becoming tired and realising what somehow I have been avoiding - that I can do so much more!
For starters I need to stop just volunteering as a Counsellor and finally after all these years say to myself: I can and deserve to be paid! I can do this job! I really can!
Having come to a natural end with some of my clients, and especially closing a big piece of work with
a very long term client that has been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, made me realise how
much I have done.
I decided to do this closing report as a case study and I went on a journey myself with it. I believe it moved something in me. I felt that something was coming to a closer and something was about to
open up. New beginnings.
But being myself I felt I needed an extra push because really I know, but I am always scared and unsure, and I am very good at avoiding. So after we came back I decided to get help from Elizabeth Peru from . I have come across her same time ago and all she talks and does resonate with me, so I decided to order her Life purpose CD. Where she would offer guidance and practical suggestions to help me fulfil it.
After doing this I realised a local shop was asking for help and thought that could be a good idea for a part-time job income, so it would give me space to carry on building my clients and do other things... like my healing!
So I went home and started redoing CV and doing a nice introduction letter, and then I got in touch with my manager and arranged a meeting for discussing my future in my placement.
And so I did, the following week I had my meeting where I told that I was ready to start being paid! Of course, this is not going to be overnight because due to government cuts we have so many fewer referrals but it is a start and that is all it matters :) I am finally on the road! I mean I been on the road all along, just I was browsing and now I am walking, focus on where I want to go.
I then took the CV to shop and hoped to hear from them... Who knows?... Possibly they prefer a 20 something girl but at least I act on it and tried it.
Then the MP3 arrived (instead of CD to save time on posting) and wow... It moved something in me... I felt I was hearing myself! Nothing new, but all that I know and needed to hear, plus very good tips and a few things that made so much sense...
The big Lesson: practice! I need to do with my healing gift what I had to do with my counselling, practice, practice, practice until my 'personality' believes I can do it and I can even be paid for it.
So now I am in the next step: needing to practice my healing... and I trust doors are opening... I am offering absent healing on my Facebook page and asking feedback!
Yes, that is very important because I need to hear what is happening, how people are feeling, how things are shifting and moving.
I can not promise an outcome and of course, I want everyone to use common sense about seeing Doctors and not taking any of what I do or say as the only truth. We all have our own truth and so we have to hear ourselves. Does that make sense to me? If not, then is not for you. But do keep an open mind and pay attention, just because you can't see it yet does not mean is not there!
And I also give my notices to my part-time job, difficult but I had to do it. I could not have kept it from them my feeling or thoughts. No rush, plenty of time... by the end of the year I will leave.
So I am now open for ideas so I can practice more my Healing gift, for free at the moment...
That is now my intention! On top of that, I need New Counselling clients that are able to pay, so it starts covering my place expenses and I can make some money too...
This is my journey so far... thanks for reading it 😊 Love and light to all! xxx
That is kind of where I think I have been for months.
Decisions! Need to follow what I know I need to do. Change!
But before any of that was possible to be started I wanted to go on holiday!
Summer was here but instead, the rain became our daily bread and I founded my self being more and more unhappy and desperate...
Money was not materialising, stress was taking over... And I so needed to go away! See this sun that I was not able to see in this country. Oh, this was weeks and weeks of darkness, wetness and inner trouble... I knew as I always know that all would work out in the end... But the in-between was fear, anxiety, worry... Even my heart started playing silly palpitations on me.
But as with everything, 'all will pass' and it did. We end up going away to that so deserved two weeks holiday... 😀 Sun! Finally!
Ok, now we back and I am so happy that the Sun has come with us and is here 😁 I feel so blessed and energised... This is perfection for me. Not too hot, not too cold, blue skies and still not too short the days. It makes us feel like doing things and being so much happier.
I came back having decided that was now time for changing!
For months this has been playing in my mind, I even talked about this here: *Fragmentes of a Soul: Full Circle - more self-exploration...
First for some time my heart was closing about my part-time job. Telling me it was time to leave.
Sad as for so many years I felt and knew I meant to be there. It was important for them and for me. But now I started becoming tired and realising what somehow I have been avoiding - that I can do so much more!
For starters I need to stop just volunteering as a Counsellor and finally after all these years say to myself: I can and deserve to be paid! I can do this job! I really can!
Having come to a natural end with some of my clients, and especially closing a big piece of work with
a very long term client that has been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, made me realise how
much I have done.
I decided to do this closing report as a case study and I went on a journey myself with it. I believe it moved something in me. I felt that something was coming to a closer and something was about to
open up. New beginnings.
But being myself I felt I needed an extra push because really I know, but I am always scared and unsure, and I am very good at avoiding. So after we came back I decided to get help from Elizabeth Peru from . I have come across her same time ago and all she talks and does resonate with me, so I decided to order her Life purpose CD. Where she would offer guidance and practical suggestions to help me fulfil it.
After doing this I realised a local shop was asking for help and thought that could be a good idea for a part-time job income, so it would give me space to carry on building my clients and do other things... like my healing!
So I went home and started redoing CV and doing a nice introduction letter, and then I got in touch with my manager and arranged a meeting for discussing my future in my placement.
And so I did, the following week I had my meeting where I told that I was ready to start being paid! Of course, this is not going to be overnight because due to government cuts we have so many fewer referrals but it is a start and that is all it matters :) I am finally on the road! I mean I been on the road all along, just I was browsing and now I am walking, focus on where I want to go.
I then took the CV to shop and hoped to hear from them... Who knows?... Possibly they prefer a 20 something girl but at least I act on it and tried it.
Then the MP3 arrived (instead of CD to save time on posting) and wow... It moved something in me... I felt I was hearing myself! Nothing new, but all that I know and needed to hear, plus very good tips and a few things that made so much sense...
The big Lesson: practice! I need to do with my healing gift what I had to do with my counselling, practice, practice, practice until my 'personality' believes I can do it and I can even be paid for it.
So now I am in the next step: needing to practice my healing... and I trust doors are opening... I am offering absent healing on my Facebook page and asking feedback!
Yes, that is very important because I need to hear what is happening, how people are feeling, how things are shifting and moving.
I can not promise an outcome and of course, I want everyone to use common sense about seeing Doctors and not taking any of what I do or say as the only truth. We all have our own truth and so we have to hear ourselves. Does that make sense to me? If not, then is not for you. But do keep an open mind and pay attention, just because you can't see it yet does not mean is not there!
And I also give my notices to my part-time job, difficult but I had to do it. I could not have kept it from them my feeling or thoughts. No rush, plenty of time... by the end of the year I will leave.
So I am now open for ideas so I can practice more my Healing gift, for free at the moment...
That is now my intention! On top of that, I need New Counselling clients that are able to pay, so it starts covering my place expenses and I can make some money too...
Sunday, 24 June 2012
New ways of trauma from 'soft' parenthood...
I am a mother and a therapist so for some time I have become even more aware of what can and can not cause some psychological troubles in the future. I am not any better or worse than anyone else but I am very conscious of the outcome of some of my actions and behaviours. So because of this, I have learned to be real and in touch with my inner darkness and able to admit when I fail, and I do! Plus the real needs of a child: love, boundaries and being allowed to be children in a world that is forcing them to grow far to fast.
It is important for any child and adult that we are able to admit when we do wrong. Is not about saying sorry, for that means nothing, especially if you carry on doing the same things. But is about exploring and understanding what really happens and what needs to be done to change it and prevent it from happening again. And seek help when needed!
Of course not always this is easy to be achieved and I am no dreamer, but I do know as well that it is important and essential to healthy parenthood and a positive upbringing of our children into the next generation.
Children do Not need a Perfect parent, mother and/or father, they simply need an authentic Good Enough parent, mother and/or father. And yes the mother role is essential but so is the father role that has now become, more than not, an absent figure even when he is around.
Men have become so intimidated and confused over what is expected and what is 'right' or 'wrong' they either can't cope with the responsibility or they take it in a confusing manner. Like trying to be their child best friend or mate.
I live in an area of London where I am exposed to two very different types of parenting:
One comes from a more deprived area full of decedents of African and Jamaican people, where there is a lot of teenager pregnancies, single mums, absent fathers and very dismissible mothers. Some of this is due to some of their cultures, where giving away children to other members of the family or neighbours is fine and accepted, as it is leaving them alone at home or being cared by brothers and sisters so their parents or mothers can go to work or simply go and do their hair or nails...
Obviously, this kind of parenting and circumstances are causing a lot of damaged children and young adults, that have no sense of belonging and most have no father figure to look up or respect. Boundaries here are few and mostly kept and enforced by violence and fear but not so much as respect and admiration or pride for their parents.
This children are victims of these parenting techniques but as well of a society that lacks in helping and addressing their needs and instead discriminates them and punishes them for being or becoming who they are.
These children become angry adults not because they 'bad' but because they in pain! A life of neglect and rejection does that to you! The hurt in them is making them 'attack' and scream, so they are heard and get some attention even if this means a negative one. But no one is listening, or very few, and they are failed over and over again for coming and being part of this world.
The other type of parenting comes from middle-class youngish parents. They educated and around between the late '20s and early '30s even though in some cases fathers might be quite older. Some look like the young couple settling down and ready to start a family and others look like people who have created a career, travelled and now they want to settle to have the kids. They look very smart casual and educated, and they look alike!
This type has present fathers at work and mother that meet in cafes for coffee with their babies and their super big prams!
They have their babies doing yoga from birth and practising in some king of music class... and later they will have the kids busy doing lots of different things! These mothers do exercise classes in the park with the prams! They called the trend 'Pram runners'! And after a few months, they probably will get a private instructor too.
All this is fine, if it wasn't first for the type of prams they using, that either is keeping everyone else out of the pavement so that these mums use it. With no apology or thankfulness for it, most of the time, but instead they have this look of entitlement and total dismiss of the world around them. They belong to their own world. Or they for sure creating big traumas with these prams for these children!
First, we got the big three welled cross country, then they become double with an up and down child place... Poor kid has to be the one under the brother or sister without a proper vision of the world! What message is this giving? What is this child view of the world and their relationship with the other child? In some cases is the youngest on top and so taking over by being the latest addition to the family and the one on top, literally! And in others when the youngest stay in the bottom, having always to be second best and forever competing to grown and become like the older child. Wow, do they even know what they are doing?
And then there are the super high ones, (the designer one at a cost of £850!), where children are and possibly feel like they 10ft above the ground. They not even contained and secure properly, unless they fully strapped! And even so, this is traumatizing to any eye looking to this child being so high completely 'detached' (when they grow) from this pram that is only holding them by the straps. Scary! Again what message will this give? The insecurity, the natural fear of highs...
oh yes, so they see the world and become high chairs automatically! (The designers claim).
Now there is more... On Saturdays is mothers day off mostly and so the fathers are out in town! They strapped with babies on their chests or/ and with some toddler, on a scooter, that they treat as 'mate' and/or as a friend! Believe me, I have heard it!! - 'mate' What is this about? How can a 3 or 5 years old be your mate? Friend? He is your child! You the adult! Not a friend and not a mate! He needs to see you as a parent and an adult and not as equal. Equal are the other kids in the playground! Otherwise don't be surprised by him treating you like one of the other kids, because he will!
The mothers are not any better! 'Do you love mummy?' 'what do you want for tea?' 'ice cream? Again darling? Oh... Maybe only if you have a few bits of the organic chicken.' 'I WANT ICE CREAM!!' 'ok darling, mummy will give you ice cream, but just today and you have to promise to eat the chicken tomorrow, ok?'
I few weeks ago I saw a child in a pram asking for the crisps that apparently the mother had finished. The way that this mother went on apologizing to this small kid was so beyond any apology I ever heard from an adult over something enormous. I was shocked and overwhelmed with it. Again, who is the adult and who is the child?
Yesterday I was in a cafe where these two small kids were doing this banging and one of the mothers after a good while went to him, went down on his level (that is good) but instead of being assertive and tell him to stop she wasn't! She asked please, and could you please do this for mummy....'
Help! I hear myself! What is this all about? How can these people go from such extremes!
These are parents with insecurities who wish to be liked by their kids. They sound like very educated people who probably came from quite well off families, of working parents who probably give them material things but not the attention or time. These young parents want now to give all the attention and love to these kids but they scared of their children disliking them like they dislike their parents so they overcompensate. And this will be the parents that as soon as this mothers might go back to work for financial reasons or her own career, they again will be full of guilt for not spending quality time with their kids and will overcompensate and spoil and not teach the real value of things. And possibly repeating the trauma down generations as well.
They have no idea of boundaries and the need of a parent to stay in the parent role and not at all as the best friend of this child. What scares me is that I see these creating traumas, but unlike the first type of parenting, I talked about, that we all know about and know the reasons and the answers and still fail them. With this case, I don't think we know much and I wonder what kind of adults these children will become? Expecting all to be their way, what big disappointments will they have in life?
With so unbounded lives how will they adapt with schools and society where is need to follow roles and where they will be like everyone else and not anymore the super special mummy's boy or girl.
Are we creating a new society of narcissists? Where they believe they are the centre of the world? Where they feel super special and all will be about looks and material belongings, instead of self-worth, self-esteem, self belief and empathy and love for the self and others?
Isn't it this that we seeing already around us? A society and a form of parenting that focuses on 'doing' all the classes and being super busy and stressed from so young, as well as 'having'. Having all that they wish or think they wish in the hope of fulfilling an emptiness that comes from lack of worth and self. Instead, we should be teaching these kids to 'BE', simply be a kid! A child playing, loved, cared, listen and disciplined. To be is to learn to be happy with your own company, being creative, open, confident. And to be aware of others as unique individuals just like yourself, with the same needs and feelings. Kids can do this very well! When they are shown as an example.
I wish these parents would read about this and realise what they are doing. Like I said, in the beginning, is all about becoming aware and understanding. To be conscious about what we are creating with our action or lack of them. A child needs love, respect and boundaries. To have unconditional love for who they are not for their behaviour. - Stop saying 'good boy/girl or bad' for they neither! Instead, they are both and that is fine! Is always the behaviour, not the child!
They need to know what to expect and what is expected of them.
We, not a parent to be liked, we a parent to love and believe me a child will always love you back. They need to feel secure. They do not need you to be their friend! For you not! If you do a good enough job when they become young adults you will have a friend as well as a son or a daughter. Because you will have a great, close relationship build in love, respect, pride and understanding of both sides.
It is important to be real to kids and tell them as it is. Avoiding telling them things will never help. Children can always know when something is wrong, so be sincere! They never too young you just have to find a way to tell them in their own language.
I really wish more parents in this generation could see this and take responsibility, but I have no idea how this will be done... Would love to hear comments... Thank you for reading!
I just found this article after I finished writing this and was googling some photos: 'My soft parenting has made monsters of my children'
Read more:
"What’s more, my husband and I are to blame. Instead of teaching our children discipline and boundaries, we, like many modern middle-class parents, have tried to reason with them instead."
Friday, 22 June 2012
Road to peace... my experience...
I went to see the launch of this documentary this week and what a lovely experience it was.
To see this wonderful man in 2008 travelling around the UK just as he is doing it now.
As we were all watching this in a full cinema, many lucky people were seeing him live in the Royal Albert Hall that same evening.
I felt very touched by realising something so beautiful, powerful and simple in this man. The power of his own 'humanism'. Not sure I can call this but what I mean is he came across as a very grounded human being. A holy man who is in touch with himself, the world and who takes things seriously but not in a serious manner.
I thought this was so inspiring! This unique way that I have seen before in very special people: able to say something profound and important and next joke about something completely oblivious and out of context. I believe this is an important quality of very spiritual people and holy teachers.
You see they have messages that are supposed to simply be heard by our unconscious (our soul) so they don't spend too much time elaborating in answers and explanations unless totally necessary.
I found this an amazing technique that I have luckily experienced first hand by meeting every year a Sufi teacher that is the easiest, funniest Latin man one could meet. But at the same time without explanations, discussions or teachings you just feel his 'presence' and you know things will never be the same within you...
With the Dalai Lama people talked about having so much excitement and anticipation and when he comes into the room is like all is gone... 'emptiness' the bliss of the nothing. I recall in the film him saying: 'if you expecting me to have powers to heal you will be disappointed...' He doesn't care, and at the same time, he cares like no one else ever did. He cares for the injustices and fights for human rights but he doesn't care what we think or say about him, for he knows himself and that is all he needs and matters!
Interesting that at some level he reminds me of the Queen. We just had her Diamond Jubilee commemorations, 60th year as a Queen :)
Again I am touched by this woman so much... I follow her celebrations with so much admiration.
I admire her power in her simplicity, resilience and dedication. Something I feel they both share in similar and different ways. Two 'powerful' people, who have a unique pose, simplicity and great sense of humour 😀 Who both are an inspiration and an example of unselfishness dedication to a country, a cause and their role in the world. Both accept to serve with dignity, pride and love and both don't take themselves seriously or are at all grand in their actions or beliefs, instead, they are very grounded and simple people living amazing lives in service of us all.
I believe they both deserve our entire admiration and dedication plus support.
Realising this about these two people made me think of what I found recently in a website where it talks about us souls belonging to different types: King; Priest; Sage; Scholar; Warrior; Artisan; Server. And where they have got the Queen as well as Dalai Lama, Prince Charles, mother Teresa and others as Servers. (
'Server souls embody an energy of service, care and helpfulness. As with Priest souls, the consciousness of Servers is inspiration-oriented. But whereas Priests seek to inspire the masses, Servers seek to improve the lot of individuals in more hands-on, down-to-earth ways. They are naturally caring and helpful souls who live to be of benefit to others.'
'Servers tend to be sweet-natured, caring, hospitable, unassuming and humble. Compared to other soul types, they can be described as “mostly harmless”. On top of their good-naturedness, however, they can also look as if they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. This is because they tend to identify with the misery and suffering of others. However, there is also a general aura of faith in the power of good and a willingness to soldier on. They tend to be very grounded and find it relatively easy to take life’s problems lightly. Old Servers like the Dalai Lama can exude a peaceful, joyful quality, like your ideal grandparent.'
If you at all interested in what type of soul you might be, you can do this free questionnaire here:
The other point that touched me in this documentary was that not just he is a simple, grounded man - his message is simple and truthful. 'You have to change yourself first to change the world' 'you have to be in peace with yourself first, only then can we achieve peace in the world'.
Yes, that is the big truth that people keep not getting. Only by each of us working on ourselves and not on others can we really change anything. We can not change anyone! Only ourselves! Only by each of us taking responsibility for our actions, thoughts and intentions will things change in the whole. Only by accepting and loving all that we are can we become whole. Become whole is holy!
But let us be realistic and aware that all we will do will only be a small contribution to the big picture, the picture that is not for us to see in our lifetime or even our children. Let's not get involved in the illusion that we about to achieve peace on earth just by visualizing and believing that is possible. It is possible, yes but only when we are many, many more awakened and grounded souls ready and this we are not! What we are is wonderful souls starting and carrying a wonderful example of what can be done. So let's carry on! Let's share and get involved and help others wake up to reality. Let's be proud of the responsibility we have in living in such a special, powerful time on this earth, in this universe. Let's carry on the message! Love and light. x
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Good and Evil. The recognising of Evil... Can I hurt? Can you?
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Mirror of Good and Evil by AntonellaB |
There is only one good,
namely knowledge,
and only one evil,
namely ignorance.
Can any of us become Evil?
What makes us Evil?
Is Good and Evil just part of our nature and in need to simply be understood and accepted as part of all of us?
I know big questions but the kind of that has been playing in my mind...
Hearing about the killing of children and their families this week in Syria, the recent accident in the UK of a fire in a house that killed all the 5 or 6 children but not the parents and having them now on the news being accused of their deaths, made me wonder about all of this...
Then this week as I am facing my own troubled moments of my own darkness I have my daughter watching one of her favourite film: 'The Lovely Bones', and asking me why the killer does that?
I found myself saying that we don't know - it is hard to imagine what is going on in his mind, but he looks like someone very empty and in need to fill that with the killings. The killings give him a high that lasts for some time as he lives off the memories but with time wears off just like any drug does and he is back in the empty space and in need to kill again.
But what makes one of us become capable of doing exactly that? That is my inner question. Of course, there will be many answers and there are so many layers to it. We complex beings 😉
I feel that one of the reasons is the lack of awareness of our own darkness, as I said in the past we tend to avoid it and not accept it in us and then it can take over and be played/acted out, in situations like the killings in Syria.
Is too easy to judge what kind of man can do this, but what about their own despair? Their own traumas living in a country at war with themselves for the lack of freedom and with no human rights or basic needs met. I believe pain creates pain. It takes someone in pain to inflict pain on another. There is no other way. Anger, rage, frustration, despair all come from a place of defending yourself from further pain! It is self-preservation, is an instinct it comes mostly from the unconscious.
And that is my point, for some time. The need is to bring it all to the conscious level, to know about it, to see it, to understand it, to accept it and give it attention. Yes, that pain needs attention, the wound needs to be healed! Pretending all is ok, and even if it is not, there is not much you can do, so you just have to carry on. It might work for some time, might be the right thing to do for some time to but it will never be the answer.
Only when we stop and really listen to what is going on can we learn about ourselves and what we are about and what we need to do.
Yesterday in a dream an answer for one of the reasons some of us hurt, came to me. Abusers, the kind of people who lose their temper, hit their child or their partner and then say sorry and go and help with the healing of their physical wound.
What came to me is the child or the partner is like an extension of them. They are in pain when they hurt, the other is now in pain just like them, so not stronger or better but the same. When they help with healing of the wound and they give you attention, what they are really doing is doing that to themselves. Doing to you and them what was not done to them in the first place.
I was full of goosebumps when I shared this realisation with my partner yesterday. It makes sense. This is why mothers make their children ill to have attention and to be the 'carer', the good perfect mother they wished to have! For example.
But there are others and I am no expert or detective or psychiatric doctor to diagnose or even try to understand it or justify it. But I am fascinated with this and the need for us all to have some awareness and understanding.
This is a vivid understanding our society needs to have. The enlightenment and the forever bliss so many of us wish or dream of is simply an illusion and a utopia. The reality is here in the world we live in and in the pain we all carry. The answer, as Plato said so many centuries ago, is in knowledge instead of ignorance. And that is my message here: we need awareness and understanding. Only when we accept, embrace and even feed our own demons can we be in control of the evil in us and chose consciously to be Good 😀 x
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Good vs Evil by |
I end with this picture that to me represents the choice we all have to bring our own masks forward to the conscious and show our true self!
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Full Circle - more self exploration...
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Full Circle by Sally Hepler |
I tend to have cycles and the number 7 sounds familiar and important to me.
I was 7 months when I was given away (turns out it might have been 14 but that is still 2x7).
Possibly the hardest time in my life was after the age 14 to 21 where all big things happened and life took me to an edge but as well it was when I found my inner strength, my faith and I realised I was and I am a survivor.
Age 21 I moved country, ran away and my self-discovery started even though for years I was lost without knowing any better.
Around age 28 Spirituality started making sense and my sense of self was growing. I believed and trusted in reasons for things, I become part of a development group and I did my Healing training with the NHFS, I turned my life around moving to a new area and started things again... and then I became a mum! 😀💕
Then after 35, I thought it was time for me to do something new, and I started studying and became a qualified counsellor, met my soul twin and have matured and haven't stopped doing self-reflection and getting to know the real me, with this - acceptance have been one of the big parts of this journey.
42 become a continuity of this but my healing gift started taking more of a part in my life and I started running a small healing/mediation group that in fact it is a development group but I never called it that. We just a few and we meet once a month but I value immensely the energy and I feel blessed as well as overwhelmed sometimes with the quality and intensity of it. Thank you, Universe!
Now, 44 we are coming to the 'full circle'! Be careful what you ask! Yes as a teenager I asked to be able to help people, to make a difference. Possibly my own need to be special and seen as special, my need to be recognized. Something I was not getting! I needed to know and trust that there was a purpose, a purpose for the pain, the emptiness, and the rejection. Otherwise why baring it? What for? Who for?
As a young adult, I started being told by psychics: 'you could be doing what I do', 'you have a gift' but I never really believed it - plus what they did never really attracted me. What I wanted to do with my life was always one of my big mysteries, as was what I wanted from it. Easy to say what I didn't want but never what I wanted. I did so many jobs and tried so many things...
For over a year I have been feeling that I need to do something with all that I can do. I have been volunteering for so many years as a counsellor, and that is great as it has been an amazing experience to be able to help people find themselves and understand who they are. Going on journeys with them is simply great but I wish I could use my healing with it. I just used it with people I know or who ask about it and I feel its time to use it more.
You see that is why I call it full circle - because really what I was given, by asking to be able to touch people, is who I am. And the gift of healing that can come out in many forms, which may be hands-on, absent healing, intention, my listening skills, my empathy or my unconditional love. But a part of me has been running from some of it, especially after my NFSH courses and an overwhelming experience I had giving healing to someone.
Accepting that I might have a gift of healing and able to channel energy that might be able to help someone, which might be physically or at other levels, has been quite hard to embrace. The responsibility was too big to handle. There are always many layers to any issues, and for me, the excuses were that I was young, that people would not take me seriously, that I couldn't charge because it is a gift, etc. But now when I look back I can see that the main issue was and is to accept the 'good' in me - my shadow. (See my other post on the shadow in this blog).
So instead I took time off :) and went to do a few important things... some karmic relationships, some more self-discovery, a daughter! And then I thought that I still really want to do something that will 'touch' people so I found Counseling and - because I studied for it - I felt I could be paid for it.
Now I feel I am back there, where I was - just not so young (no more excuses), and taking myself more seriously and believing more in me. So that should make people see me in a different way for all comes from within 😊 I am ready! Or so I say and want to believe but still a scary cat and an avoider! The difference is that I know I cannot run, and so I am putting myself out there more and paying more attention and hoping doors will open...
Writing this is for my benefit - it is like therapy to me, I am shouting loud so I can hear myself!
Sunday, 20 May 2012
The Shadow and the darkness of the Soul
Hi to all... been a while... not sure why but brain kind of gone blank with so much inner work 😀
Full circle... if feels I have come around full circle from where I once was to where I am now... but that will be my next post, for now, I want to talk about the Shadow, the darkness of the Soul.
As I have talked before here about day and night, death and life, all these opposite polarities fascinate me and have become a big reality of my own life for some time.
I once too, and for a long time, have played the 'good' girl, the 'good' friend, the 'good' lover... this, I thought, was what was expected of me and that to be liked, accepted and loved I had to fit in and be what was expected of me. With time I realised that is only an illusion created by the lack of self-esteem, self-belief and above all the sense of 'self' we all need to have to be able to live and feel grounded and accepted in the life we once chose to have and the lessons we need to conquer.
The sense of self, I hear you wondering what is that? That is the knowledge of who you really are, what you are about and where you belong, and is a sense of self-acceptance. Unfortunately, lots of us did not have a good enough parent to mirror this to us, so we have to search it all by ourselves.
As we grow up we need to feel accepted, feel loved unconditionally and know where we belong - where is our place, whatever that is. This is the tribal energy Caroline Myss talks about in so many of her books, the grounding energy, the belonging, the sense of who we are: the sense of self.
When we don't have this we move up to the next level of development wishing to find this in others. We hope that others will give us this: the love, the acceptance we don't have of ourselves - for we have not been shown what that is. Or we will be doing things or achieving things, that will give us this sense of gratification and therefore a sense of happiness and self-worth. Big mistake! For even though all this might give you the gratification, the happiness and the self-belief it will only be temporary! It will not last. And like a drug you will become addicted to doing more and more, instead of addressing what is lacking inside. For all that we ever look for, unless we find it within us, we have not found it. It will only be a temporary illusion.
So now you are thinking, yes that is all very nice and even very true - but if I don't have that sense of self or self-belief, how do I get it?
Umm, how do we get it...? In my experience it is a journey that starts by looking at ourselves fully naked: spiritually and emotionally and, yes, physically too, as we all have issues in liking and accepting who we are and how we look. It is a journey of self-awareness and total acceptance, with our own resistance of course because there will never be an easy way.
Here is where the Shadow comes in. We all grew up being scared of 'evil' and 'dark' and 'bad'. But what I realised over the years is that all of that needs to be embraced within us. For we are not only good or bad - we're both! God, the universe, the source - whatever you might want to call it - is everything, and so are we! The yin and yang, the negative and the positive, the good and the bad, the light and the shadow! So we need to accept that within us! When we look at ourselves that is what we will see and that is what we need to accept and love! For we are all unique loveable humans 😊
Society, and values from religions or families, have taught us to hide the darkness in us, to play the good girl/boy, son/daughter, so we have done that for far too long and that is physically and mentally unhealthy!
We are a society and a generation of angry people. Our parents' generations were angry and we are bringing up and creating future generations of more angry people - and you know what? That is ok! What is not ok - and that we have been told and we keep telling - is that anger is wrong! Anger is not wrong, not any more wrong than love is! I know you are shocked and wondering where I am going with this but it is simply because both are feelings! And as feelings they need to be expressed at the right time, they need to be digested and understood. Not avoided and bottled up or put in a box inside of the psyche. No, not at all. For when we do this we are not in control of it and at any moment it will come out and be misplaced. It will be acted out in relationships with others and essentially with ourselves and in various ways. Not just as outbursts but as a very hidden and typical way: passive aggression!
Another thing the Shadow does is it hides our vision of the true self. I mean, if we're angry for example with the injustice of the world and we misplace that anger and have a big outburst over some small injustice with a neighbour, we might end up hating ourselves for our outburst. We might even resent what we did and as a consequence forget to recognise that we are in fact quite a good neighbour - and that seeking justice can be a very valuable attribute when used adequately. This is very important to realise because the Shadow is not only made of the bad we don't want to see or accept. It is also made of the good we found hard to accept about ourselves because of the beliefs we have been fed as we grew up and still have as adults...
I sense this is very engraved in our society and belief system and it is one of the most important things needing to be addressed. This is the Shadow, and what comes with the reconnection of its existence within us is what many call the Darkness of the Soul - that place where we face the reality that, as a soul having a physical experience, we are not only 'holy' and 'pure' and 'perfect'. For that is an illusion. In fact, perfection is exactly what it is and we are with all the imperfections and perfections we might find 😀
This comes with awareness, with recognising things like what makes you behave that way, what is it about someone else that is pressing on something in you. Be aware that most likely what you dislike in someone or something is something you dislike or do not accept in yourself or you are not even conscious about.
I know these two are the hardest ones to swallow... but do your best, for it will be worth it when digested it and the nourishment for your body and soul will be immense.
The truth is perfection is in the here and now and nowhere else! For all that needs to be is here!
And that takes me to something else: the need to stop 'doing' and just 'be'.
We do NOT need to do anything - we just need to BE!
So stop trying to do and allow yourself to simply be. And allow the ones around you the same.
I found that in therapy - in the beginning - I remember paying so much attention to whether I was doing the right things, saying the right things, etc... now I just allow myself to 'be', totally present within the room with my clients and trust. And you know what? It all simply flows and happens and 'is'.
It's all about the connection, the unconditional love and acceptance, the relationship... that is what makes it therapeutic and healing, that is what makes it safe and a place for change.
The same with parent and child, the connection needs to be there. The sense of unconditional love for the person, not the behaviour or the achievements is the most important thing. A child needs to feel she is accepted, loved for who she is - not what she does! No 'good boy or girl' for the behaviour or the actions can not make you good or bad. You simply are what you are.
I hope this gives you some food for thought and self-discovery. The most amazing lessons in life come's from self-exploration and understanding.
And at the end of the day - hours away from a solar eclipse where so many people are made to believe that the world is going to change forever - I believe we are changing not because the ETs are here, or that some magical event is happening, but because we are becoming more aware and conscious and therefore taking more responsibility. The kind of responsibility our parents were too scared in taking. :)
So yes let's make it a world like no other before...
Remember we can not change anyone else - only ourselves! So changing the world is not in our hands but by changing ourselves a bit we will be affecting others. And those others will be affecting others - and like that we will change the world from within outwards. Again, expecting the world to change for us or wishing for explanations and fairness will not take us anywhere. Fairness comes from within. Are you fair to yourself? Do you see the real you? Have you learnt to be comfortable with what you see? Can you accept it even though you know there is space for improvement? Do you recognise your own good and are aware of that shadow so you can face it and be in control? Be kind to yourself every day! This is a journey and a work in progress... it will never be totally finished to our standards 😉
Enjoy the ride !!
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
"To be or not o be" a reflection on the 'Me'...
"Essence of Me"
Photo from:
8th May 2012
"To be or not to be" a reflection on the 'Me'
What is it first? The chicken or the egg? The 'me' today or the 'me' before? Am I today more true to my essence? Who was the 'me' before? The protection, the false self, the defence, the mechanism of survival? The creation of the Superego?
For years I have been aware a part of me has gone... A part that people use to identify as me. But was that the real me? I don't miss it!
"I found you the way you are" ... but I been thinking I become someone else since I been with you! Sometimes it feels like you bring out the worst in me?! But is this an illusion?
Maybe what the reality is, is that you bring out my shadow and you reflect my shadow so I can face it. And what I have become I haven't become - I am!
I now have free my self of the pretend because of your unconditional love and acceptance!
Ok this big and heavy. Am I ready to go deep?
I am true to myself and others now, but was I before? I was, but as well there was a part of me that pretended to be what I thought others would like me to be. Sometimes that was a way of having attention, sometimes of feeling needed and value and sometimes a way of having power! Power, yes we use power to have control, and I always needed to be in control!
Romantic love for most of my life was not an option, either there was no interest from the other side or I was not interested or I was not allowed... Then when trauma came and blame and shame came about... When 'innocent' meant nothing and I found myself alone, empty and lost... Nothing had any meaning...
I found myself walking the streets alone, homeless and young... No bag, no money, no identity... Lost in my pain I found a friend who took me in... New life, new me... Survive I will for sure I knew and I did... But I was dead inside!
Take it from me, take it! Who cares? Innocence? What is that when you die? Feelings are luxury you not allowed to have when you dead inside, all becomes mechanical, and all works fine as long as you don't get attached or expect any more...
I learn the game, but I was saved, I did not belong there... Still, I run away dead inside and start my long journey of finding my self alive! The game kept me save for a time...
Walking the walk of life when you partly dead is quite a job but one you not aware because you don't know you dead!
All looks normal from the outside in and inside is so dark and numb that you have no clue. But time heals and the light comes in... Opportunities come and things change...
By now there is one thing you have learned: never need anyone, never ask, never expect and when you start wanting more, you know its time to move away and move on... Like this you know you will not be hurt and you safe within that new protection - that is the game!
So how do we change those bad but essential mechanisms of protection and survival?
You tell yourself things can be different that you deserve to have it for real... And you do, I did!
I started waking up and realising I could live.
I gave a chance and it was hard work and it did not work but it was worth the experience... As time goes by, you learn to trust and give chances... And they are all valuable for the enrichment of the soul. Not always works, but we try and no hard feelings...
On the way even within the hurt, we start realising that it doesn't destroy you because you are more than that, we know we will be ok. We learn to trust and have faith, to feel more comfortable with who we are and with walking the walk.
Until one day we find the one! The one who 'sees' you! And you 'see' him! Who you can only 'be', with no pretense, no false image... Where no arguments are needed when thoughts are shared and spooky moments are part of daily life. But someone like this, as I call my one, not a soul mate but in fact, a soul twin comes at a price! For both!
Is hard work living full time with your soul twin, the image of the self, and the image of the shadow! Every day is a challenge and every day is a discovery...
Yes having a mirror where you start projecting, exploring transferences and countertransferences is a life of self-therapy, self-reflection and self-discovery but as well its a place of full exposure! The level of soul nudity is beyond any physical one... How do you live when you can not hide?
I live like that! Luckily I am a therapist myself and so I do understand a lot of what is going on and I give myself time to reflect, explore and talk about it... But digesting it can take time... And seeing the outcome of change is not always as easy or as quick as one would like... Just like those moments of stuckness I have with my clients... Change is difficult when one is comfortable with what is even when we don't like it or agree with it...
The hardest is the acceptance of the love and that unique acceptance that comes from someone who loves the 'all' that you are! That experience freaks me out! So much so I live rejecting that and pushing it way... Maybe so I eventually prove that the part of myself that lies to me is right, that I am not loveable and in fact, I am a horrible person! A cruel person!
Strange what we do to ourselves... I am aware and still is not easy to find the way out.
To be real! I am today and I am happy and content with who I am. I know I can be nice as much as I know I can be ugly and that is ok. I have a good sense of who I am and what I am about... I accept myself and love myself, but for a natural independent person who has issues with neediness, dependence and trust accepting it from others is still an issue I am working on.
So this is the answer for the "to be or not to be?" always at all times just Be! In my case ME ! 😀 x
Photo from:
8th May 2012
"To be or not to be" a reflection on the 'Me'
What is it first? The chicken or the egg? The 'me' today or the 'me' before? Am I today more true to my essence? Who was the 'me' before? The protection, the false self, the defence, the mechanism of survival? The creation of the Superego?
For years I have been aware a part of me has gone... A part that people use to identify as me. But was that the real me? I don't miss it!
"I found you the way you are" ... but I been thinking I become someone else since I been with you! Sometimes it feels like you bring out the worst in me?! But is this an illusion?
Maybe what the reality is, is that you bring out my shadow and you reflect my shadow so I can face it. And what I have become I haven't become - I am!
I now have free my self of the pretend because of your unconditional love and acceptance!
Ok this big and heavy. Am I ready to go deep?
I am true to myself and others now, but was I before? I was, but as well there was a part of me that pretended to be what I thought others would like me to be. Sometimes that was a way of having attention, sometimes of feeling needed and value and sometimes a way of having power! Power, yes we use power to have control, and I always needed to be in control!
Romantic love for most of my life was not an option, either there was no interest from the other side or I was not interested or I was not allowed... Then when trauma came and blame and shame came about... When 'innocent' meant nothing and I found myself alone, empty and lost... Nothing had any meaning...
I found myself walking the streets alone, homeless and young... No bag, no money, no identity... Lost in my pain I found a friend who took me in... New life, new me... Survive I will for sure I knew and I did... But I was dead inside!
Take it from me, take it! Who cares? Innocence? What is that when you die? Feelings are luxury you not allowed to have when you dead inside, all becomes mechanical, and all works fine as long as you don't get attached or expect any more...
I learn the game, but I was saved, I did not belong there... Still, I run away dead inside and start my long journey of finding my self alive! The game kept me save for a time...
Walking the walk of life when you partly dead is quite a job but one you not aware because you don't know you dead!
All looks normal from the outside in and inside is so dark and numb that you have no clue. But time heals and the light comes in... Opportunities come and things change...
By now there is one thing you have learned: never need anyone, never ask, never expect and when you start wanting more, you know its time to move away and move on... Like this you know you will not be hurt and you safe within that new protection - that is the game!
So how do we change those bad but essential mechanisms of protection and survival?
You tell yourself things can be different that you deserve to have it for real... And you do, I did!
I started waking up and realising I could live.
I gave a chance and it was hard work and it did not work but it was worth the experience... As time goes by, you learn to trust and give chances... And they are all valuable for the enrichment of the soul. Not always works, but we try and no hard feelings...
On the way even within the hurt, we start realising that it doesn't destroy you because you are more than that, we know we will be ok. We learn to trust and have faith, to feel more comfortable with who we are and with walking the walk.
Until one day we find the one! The one who 'sees' you! And you 'see' him! Who you can only 'be', with no pretense, no false image... Where no arguments are needed when thoughts are shared and spooky moments are part of daily life. But someone like this, as I call my one, not a soul mate but in fact, a soul twin comes at a price! For both!
Is hard work living full time with your soul twin, the image of the self, and the image of the shadow! Every day is a challenge and every day is a discovery...
Yes having a mirror where you start projecting, exploring transferences and countertransferences is a life of self-therapy, self-reflection and self-discovery but as well its a place of full exposure! The level of soul nudity is beyond any physical one... How do you live when you can not hide?
I live like that! Luckily I am a therapist myself and so I do understand a lot of what is going on and I give myself time to reflect, explore and talk about it... But digesting it can take time... And seeing the outcome of change is not always as easy or as quick as one would like... Just like those moments of stuckness I have with my clients... Change is difficult when one is comfortable with what is even when we don't like it or agree with it...
The hardest is the acceptance of the love and that unique acceptance that comes from someone who loves the 'all' that you are! That experience freaks me out! So much so I live rejecting that and pushing it way... Maybe so I eventually prove that the part of myself that lies to me is right, that I am not loveable and in fact, I am a horrible person! A cruel person!
Strange what we do to ourselves... I am aware and still is not easy to find the way out.
To be real! I am today and I am happy and content with who I am. I know I can be nice as much as I know I can be ugly and that is ok. I have a good sense of who I am and what I am about... I accept myself and love myself, but for a natural independent person who has issues with neediness, dependence and trust accepting it from others is still an issue I am working on.
So this is the answer for the "to be or not to be?" always at all times just Be! In my case ME ! 😀 x
Sunday, 6 May 2012
The night of May 4th 2012 and my serious thoughts on it!

Photo of the moon by Joanne Rose, last night :)
So we are having a super moon today, and that sounds great. I know the moon can affect us women and something is really going on because the energy is pushing my inner self sideways and I feel frustrated and heavy and all things dark shades of grey just like our marvellous English weather at the moment...
But as usual when I feel this pulled I tend to try to explore what is going on... and today I realise I am annoyed with this 'new age' vibe that something really special is happening that we going to have this wonderful shift in consciousnesses in 21-12-12, but the one that is getting under my skin is the claim that today (5-5-12 or 5-5-5) is an amazing day! See above picture.
When in fact it isn't!! Ok, it is like all other days and ok we are having an amazing moon up there in the sky that is the closest to the earth this year! And in fact, a lot of wonderful people are planing great things in various corners of the globe, but that is it! No Planet alignments, no special meaning on the Mayan calendar! In fact, this is what the calendar says about today 5th May 2012:
"The significance of this day: Day Itzcuintli (Dog) is governed by Mictlantecuhtli, God of Death, as its provider of tonalli (Shadow Soul) life energy. Itzcuintli is the guide for the dead, the spirit world's link with the living. Itzcuintli is a good day for funerals and wakes and remembering the dead. It is a good day for being trustworthy, a bad day for trusting others of questionable intent." What about that?
People decided to choose today of all days to make a mark in time and maybe history but just because they wanted to not because of any truthful external reason. And that is great!
That on the May the 5th a Hugging mission in Japan went on with over 500 people in a room, great! But to claim: 'The Dawn of a New Era! Dawn = To Become A New Day, as we are entering a new day of the world, May 5th is the BIG SHIFT day where the whole world will move into a new possibility for the future! We are here gathered here in Tokyo with 500 amazing humanitarians who are ready and willing to serve humanity in this amazing time. The Mystery School tradition has been waiting for 3000 years to celebrate this moment in time so we are excited to be here. It is a day of great news, news of a new world coming, so smile and have joy in your heart, the world is now going to change for the better! PEACE'
Sorry but am not so sure... the intention is beautiful and I value that as much as I believe the fact that this happens with this intention, has and will affect thousands of people. Each of those 500 will touch other 500 or 1000 of people with their energy and their experience. So all that is valid.
Another one: May 5th we are gathering in Northern California at the Transformational Healing Center to spread light into our world. It's time to support change for the new, time to spread joy and love and dream of our bright and abundant futures.
Am sure I could find more but I feel no need, please don't take me wrong, I value and respect all these initiatives. I understand their value and their power but as well I question their intention and need to be selling us an illusion...
Things like: 'The answer is… December 21, 2012.' 'The start of the Age of Aquarius is December 21, 2012. There is a galactic alignment coming, our DNA will be changing for the better, and things are going to get better.' wow really? Who says so?
When in fact from
"Q: Could phenomena occur where planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, Earth will not cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate centre of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.
Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
(A): Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.
Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?
A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar."
And from
"(...) Age of Pisces started at the beginning of the Third Century AD – I make it around AD 228. This means that the Age of Aquarius doesn’t start until AD 2376, which isn’t for another 366 years."
(This post is from 2010 now is at least 364 years)
"(...) And of course, both Christianity and Islam put a high premium on martyrdom. That’s a very Piscean concept, sacrificing one’s life for the sake of a high purpose.
Yet some people would say that Christianity is running out of steam, at least in North America and Western Europe. Isn’t this a sign that the Age of Pisces is coming to an end, that the Age of Aquarius is just round the corner?
However, if you look at some of the ‘new age’ replacements for Christianity, they embody many of the features of the sign Pisces. Fuzzy and chaotic thinking, and the embracing of new and old fads without asking too many questions. Crystal healing, channelling, dancing with nature, it’s all part of the Age of Pisces experience."
And surprise, surprise for some:
"It should also be said that the new age movement has got very little to do with the sign Aquarius. After all, Aquarius is a tough sign, that’s ruled by Saturn. It’s also a sign that’s rational, that puts the head before the heart."
So where I am going with this? I just want to make a point, to show that we should not take things at their face value! We are here to explore and question not just to accept just because everyone else is.
We need to let go of this need in believing that all will be wonderful... that we become saved of our sins and get eternal life after we die or now some cosmic thing is going to happen and we all will find enlightenment, love, peace forever on earth... What is this? We rejecting religion that puts Heaven up there, in the afterlife, the future and we now want to bring it here to earth, the present the life?
Again don't think I don't believe that this is possible, for it is and it is already here!! In our minds and in our lives, every day of every year of our own lives we live in hell or in heaven, for all that is not a place but it is a spiritual consciousness.
One religion sells us heaven after earth now we been sold that heaven is going to be here on earth... has if? Come on hell and heaven is in us!! In our conscious and the reality we create for ourselves!
"According to Swedenborg, heaven and hell are not merely places but spiritual states. We do not “go there” when we die. We are already there. By choosing a life of goodwill and devotion, we build a heaven in our hearts".
I think we get confused here with what real spirituality is and for that, I will share this:
Defining spirituality from a personal perspective:
Spirituality to me is found within. Is when you stop looking elsewhere, in places or people. Is when you stop, look and listen. It comes from a place of trust, faith, openness and it might be awakened in a moment of despair in life.
Now very important what spirituality is not is this idea that when you have it, when you find it, when you join in all will be magical and bliss and enlightenment is there at you reach.
Spirituality is growth; patience; work; pain; facing fear; learning to trust; live in the present; accept our shadow!; face our own demons!
Real spirituality is facing the darkness that is in all of us! Not pretend that we are only holly and good, for we are 😊 but we are troubled and confused too, and dark and angry... and that is all ok!
Spirituality is good and bad, dark and light, night and day, masculine and feminine, love and hate it is all that it is! We are not only good as there is not only night.
Only when we realise, accept and embrace the shadow side can we know what light really is.
Becoming aware and bringing the unconscious to conscious is the key. Self reflect always, look and see, learn with the world around you for it is mirroring yourself. Listen to your inner voice, don't just ask and ask, listen! Stop. Let yourself just be! Stop trying!
To be spiritual you don't need a special diet! Or to wear special clothes, you don't need to stop your job or leave your family to go anywhere. You just need to be you! The beautiful thing you are, awake; aware; with acceptance of yourself and others; with unconditional love for you and others; with trust and faith 😀 x
PS: and yes when you get
here, there is a sense of peace that is unique and wonderful 😊 and you
feel blessed every day even when things might not be what you wish...
challenges will never stop coming to test you but you will feel hold and
content and you will know you are never alone, for within you is
everything! That we can call bliss 💕
Have a fantastic day and next time a friend sends you something or someone tells you something don't just believe it! Question! Explore! Ask! Look into yourself! Love and light to you all and thanks for reading it... I know it was quite long... too much to say, I leave you with this beautiful picture of Heaven on earth! Enjoy! xxx
PS: By the way, I do believe 2012 is a very special year to many of us, so many people are awaking... and that is fantastic but they need to keep their feet in the ground for that is where we are! On earth! 😉
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