Sunday, 6 May 2012

The night of May 4th 2012 and my serious thoughts on it!

We need to question!

Photo of the moon by Joanne Rose, last night :)

So we are having a super moon today, and that sounds great. I know the moon can affect us women and something is really going on because the energy is pushing my inner self sideways and I feel frustrated and heavy and all things dark shades of grey just like our marvellous English weather at the moment...

But as usual when I feel this pulled I tend to try to explore what is going on... and today I realise I am annoyed with this 'new age' vibe that something really special is happening that we going to have this wonderful shift in consciousnesses in 21-12-12, but the one that is getting under my skin is the claim that today (5-5-12 or 5-5-5) is an amazing day!  See above picture.

When in fact it isn't!! Ok, it is like all other days and ok we are having an amazing moon up there in the sky that is the closest to the earth this year!  And in fact, a lot of wonderful people are planing great things in various corners of the globe, but that is it! No Planet alignments, no special meaning on the Mayan calendar! In fact, this is what the calendar says about today 5th May 2012:

"The significance of this day: Day Itzcuintli (Dog) is governed by Mictlantecuhtli, God of Death, as its provider of tonalli (Shadow Soul) life energy. Itzcuintli is the guide for the dead, the spirit world's link with the living. Itzcuintli is a good day for funerals and wakes and remembering the dead. It is a good day for being trustworthy, a bad day for trusting others of questionable intent." What about that?

People decided to choose today of all days to make a mark in time and maybe history but just because they wanted to not because of any truthful external reason. And that is great!

That on the May the 5th a Hugging mission in Japan went on with over 500 people in a room, great! But to claim: 'The Dawn of a New Era! Dawn = To Become A New Day, as we are entering a new day of the world, May 5th is the BIG SHIFT day where the whole world will move into a new possibility for the future! We are here gathered here in Tokyo with 500 amazing humanitarians who are ready and willing to serve humanity in this amazing time. The Mystery School tradition has been waiting for 3000 years to celebrate this moment in time so we are excited to be here. It is a day of great news, news of a new world coming, so smile and have joy in your heart, the world is now going to change for the better! PEACE' 

Sorry but am not so sure... the intention is beautiful and I value that as much as I believe the fact that this happens with this intention, has and will affect thousands of people. Each of those 500 will touch other 500 or 1000 of people with their energy and their experience. So all that is valid.

Another one: May 5th we are gathering in Northern California at the Transformational Healing Center to spread light into our world. It's time to support change for the new, time to spread joy and love and dream of our bright and abundant futures.

Am sure I could find more but I feel no need, please don't take me wrong, I value and respect all these initiatives. I understand their value and their power but as well I question their intention and need to be selling us an illusion... 

Things like: 'The answer is… December 21, 2012.'  'The start of the Age of Aquarius is December 21, 2012. There is a galactic alignment coming, our DNA will be changing for the better, and things are going to get better.'  wow really? Who says so?

When in fact from

"Q: Could phenomena occur where planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, Earth will not cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate centre of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.
Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
(A): Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.
Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?
A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar."

And from

"(...) Age of Pisces started at the beginning of the Third Century AD – I make it around AD 228.  This means that the Age of Aquarius doesn’t start until AD 2376, which isn’t for another 366 years."
(This post is from 2010 now is at least 364 years)
"(...) And of course, both Christianity and Islam put a high premium on martyrdom.  That’s a very Piscean concept, sacrificing one’s life for the sake of a high purpose.
Yet some people would say that Christianity is running out of steam, at least in North America and Western Europe.  Isn’t this a sign that the Age of Pisces is coming to an end, that the Age of Aquarius is just round the corner?
However, if you look at some of the ‘new age’ replacements for Christianity, they embody many of the features of the sign Pisces.  Fuzzy and chaotic thinking, and the embracing of new and old fads without asking too many questions.  Crystal healing, channelling, dancing with nature, it’s all part of the Age of Pisces experience."
And surprise, surprise for some:
"It should also be said that the new age movement has got very little to do with the sign Aquarius.  After all, Aquarius is a tough sign, that’s ruled by Saturn.  It’s also a sign that’s rational, that puts the head before the heart."

So where I am going with this? I just want to make a point, to show that we should not take things at their face value! We are here to explore and question not just to accept just because everyone else is.

We need to let go of this need in believing that all will be wonderful... that we become saved of our sins and get eternal life after we die or now some cosmic thing is going to happen and we all will find enlightenment, love, peace forever on earth... What is this? We rejecting religion that puts Heaven up there, in the afterlife, the future and we now want to bring it here to earth, the present the life?

Again don't think I don't believe that this is possible, for it is and it is already here!! In our minds and in our lives, every day of every year of our own lives we live in hell or in heaven, for all that is not a place but it is a spiritual consciousness.
One religion sells us heaven after earth now we been sold that heaven is going to be here on earth... has if? Come on hell and heaven is in us!! In our conscious and the reality we create for ourselves!

"According to Swedenborg, heaven and hell are not merely places but spiritual states. We do not “go there” when we die. We are already there. By choosing a life of goodwill and devotion, we build a heaven in our hearts".

I think we get confused here with what real spirituality is and for that, I will share this:

Defining spirituality from a personal perspective:

Spirituality to me is found within. Is when you stop looking elsewhere, in places or people. Is when you stop, look and listen. It comes from a place of trust, faith, openness and it might be awakened in a moment of despair in life.

Now very important what spirituality is not is this idea that when you have it, when you find it, when you join in all will be magical and bliss and enlightenment is there at you reach.

Spirituality is growth; patience; work; pain; facing fear; learning to trust; live in the present; accept our shadow!; face our own demons!

Real spirituality is facing the darkness that is in all of us! Not pretend that we are only holly and good, for we are 😊 but we are troubled and confused too, and dark and angry... and that is all ok!

Spirituality is good and bad, dark and light, night and day, masculine and feminine, love and hate it is all that it is! We are not only good as there is not only night.

Only when we realise, accept and embrace the shadow side can we know what light really is.

Becoming aware and bringing the unconscious to conscious is the key. Self reflect always, look and see, learn with the world around you for it is mirroring yourself. Listen to your inner voice, don't just ask and ask, listen! Stop. Let yourself just be! Stop trying!

To be spiritual you don't need a special diet! Or to wear special clothes, you don't need to stop your job or leave your family to go anywhere. You just need to be you! The beautiful thing you are, awake; aware; with acceptance of yourself and others; with unconditional love for you and others; with trust and faith 😀 x
PS: and yes when you get here, there is a sense of peace that is unique and wonderful 😊 and you feel blessed every day even when things might not be what you wish... challenges will never stop coming to test you but you will feel hold and content and you will know you are never alone, for within you is everything! That we can call bliss 💕
Have a fantastic day and next time a friend sends you something or someone tells you something don't just believe it! Question! Explore! Ask! Look into yourself! Love and light to you all and thanks for reading it... I know it was quite long... too much to say, I leave you with this beautiful picture of Heaven on earth! Enjoy!  xxx
PS: By the way, I do believe 2012 is a very special year to many of us, so many people are awaking... and that is fantastic but they need to keep their feet in the ground for that is where we are! On earth! 😉


  1. This post speaks to me- it's all very true! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like this.. :-) <3

  2. YES! You not the only one! :) Thanks for acknowledging it here! Love you! <3 <3 <3 xxx

  3. I'm so glad you liked the moon photo... It was a beautiful moon last night... the frogs were croaking, the neighbor's bird was singing late into the night, the sky was clear... all the beauty and meaning were to be experienced right there in the moment... there was no need for explanations or analysis or anything but just to stand in the beautiful night and be in awe.

  4. Let's not forget that the true meaning of May the 4th actually hatched in George Lucas's brain ... "May the Fourth" be with you!!! LOL. When I read the title of the post, Star Wars came to mind =)

    Jokes aside great post!

    I hadn't seen Christianity linked to the sign of Pisces, its pretty interesting if you think that in the early days of persecution, Christians would identify each other with a FISH symbol.

    Love & Light,


  5. Great insights well said. Thanks for being a beautiful debunker whilst still upholding a truly spiritual message! Big hugs x
