Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Spirit release, the need not to fear...

This summer I read a book on psychic attacks: Spirit Release by Sue Allen, that I found very interesting as I grew up with these kinds of things. Meaning my family used to see a medium who contacted the spirits and who would help people with all sorts of illnesses and problems that were coming from the spirit to the physical.

It was amazing and in a way, I think it built my own interest in this kind of thing. 
Plus being exposed to this kind of displays - and believe me, they could be quite theatrical 😉 even though the lady was very grounded and direct to everyone - made me not scared! Yes, the fear I realise is the door for this kind of things...  So the big answer is not to be scared, no matter what. 

As a child, I remember being amused and wondering how did she do that? She would say to someone something like: 'why are you even here? You don't even love him! Are you sure you want to help him? Or is it simply all because of what your mother thinks?'  the person would go white by the shock of the truth and the embarrassment of this being shared in a room full of strangers. But it worked. 

Next, she would be saying: ' wonder the doctors can't find anything... Do you know of a car accident where some John died?'   after some pause... 'oh yes it must be my husband's friend from work... He died 3 months ago...' 

'yes, yes he is with your husband, the headache he has is from this person, that is how he died in the car, he can't leave your husband because... Ok, you need to....' 

Mostly this would be candles to diverse saints and listening to a number of masses (normally 33). I grew up in a Catholic country! All this for this spirit to get the help he needed and be taken to the light. It always worked!

Other times she would describe the person who had done some black magic to you and give you a horrible tea to drink at home, that made you throw up things no one would ever believe... I am lucky I was never asked to do that myself, but I saw some of my family members taking it, and what came out was more the kind of thing you might see in films! The one I remember well is my aunt throwing up two eyes that looked like they came from the biggest fish ever, and trust me she had not eaten fish! Especially not the eyes! 

Anyway, this book definitely made me go back there, to my childhood and how this woman has affected me and inspired me into the spirit side of life. 

I don't do what she did, but I have had some experiences of mediumship myself and dealing with 'negative' identities and I know that it was seeing her that made me not be scared of these things. She would allow spirits to talk through her and pass messages to people. I always saw it as a play, but then my father died and he came to her and spoke! I was 16 and that was it, I was a believer! This was real! Oops! 

Anyway, I read this book, not really sure for what, except that maybe one of my fantasies is one day be exorcising spirits! Hehe But as I was on holiday and had just finished reading it, I met someone who out of nowhere started talking about her worries and fears that we all can be psychically attacked! 

She had come across some spiritual group where the leader didn't stop talking about these things and how we are all vulnerable, etc. 
And then a friend of hers - when his father died - had seen these evil things come and get him. His dad was not even a believer... So now she is scared! And not sure why this man didn't get help in the spirit world.

I was quite taken by the fact that this person was talking about these things to me, and that there are people out there scaring others with these things. So not just religion uses fear to manipulate you but some silly new age gurus are doing the same! 

Why are human beings always so desperate first to have power and control and secondly to be right! To believe what we do or have is better than what the others do or have! Aargh! This makes me so frustrated!  I hear this with religion, healing ways, and with everyday things like what car, or what brand of jeans or shoes to wear.

As you can imagine I spent some time explaining and reassuring this girl that she has no reason to have fear. Yes, all that is possible - but at the end of the day what we have to think and take care of is number one: us. 

So by looking after ourselves, staying positive, grounded, protected and mostly trust and have no fear, we should be ok. 

We can ask for guidance and help at any time and if we become more and more conscious of ourselves we will become aware of our body, psychically and spiritually, and so we will know when something that is not ours comes closer.

When this happens, love and understanding will dilute it. Darkness needs understanding and love - it needs to be seen, but not given any special attention or value. It is what it is. Nothing more and nothing less. If you're love and light, it will not stay.  

I hope this article reassures some of you that it is not necessary truth that the world is becoming a scarier place to be! The truth is that we are seeing it like this because of the media we are exposed to! The world is better than ever in many ways! Of course, in others, it is lacking one big thing we have been missing: RESPONSIBILITY! We all need to take more responsibility in the way we live and act because at the end of the day we cannot change anything or anyone except ourselves. And therefore it is us we need to take care and change. That might be in the physical or the spiritual level. 

We need to open up our intuition, trust, open up our hearts and become more conscious of our bodies and souls, of our thoughts and actions. Only then can we let go of the need to control and the fear of the unknown. 

Love to you all. xxx 


  1. Hi Maria,

    My only childhood experiences with mediumship were watching Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost. It must have been something else to meet a theatrical medium when you were growing up LOL. I like this phrase as it relates to staying healthy and safe in everyday life:

    "So by looking after ourselves, staying positive, grounded, protected and mostly trust and have no fear, we should be ok."

    I'm curious about the book, what did you think? I really like the section on chords. They are pretty common I think and its funny how everyday expressions will reflect what is going on energetically. I'm thinking of a particular phrase we use in Mexico that refers to "stringing someone along" .... Can't quite translate it =)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This post was deleted and reposted :) due to silly mistakes! x

  3. Yes an interesting childhood! lol I just remembered this lady could as well arrange for a famous doctor/saint from the spirit world to operate on someone! My uncle had one of this operations done to him through the night without him knowing! Yes my aunt arranged it but we said nothing to him! Very interesting his morning report on the strange feeling he felt on his body with no pain and we said nothing! Still all I know is Doctors had given him a few months to live and he end up living more then 10! :)
    As for the book, I thought it was very interesting and I enjoyed it. I Believe in a lot of what she says and made me put some of my own experiences and question into some prespective and understanding. So a valuable tool. xxx
