Monday, 3 July 2023

Use your struggles wisely

So much to say, but not finding my voice for so long... In a world with so many opinions and a sense that everyone knows it all, I can't bother to find my way to be heard at all. The world is full of blah blah and I want to have short, meaningful messages. 


Best to be silent and simply observe. Not just the world outside me but my inner world. You know one big truth is we can't change this world alone, in the same way, we can't change anyone else. 


But the world and others can serve us well as mirrors. It can show us so many things: what we want to be; what we don't want to be! The things we can't accept or see in ourselves. Note the things we hide in our shadows are not only negative stuff, but often are also our gifts.


So here is the message for you today: use your struggles with others to look at      yourself and look deeper to see what is it wanting to show you about you?!

You are not responsible for anyone or anything else but you are responsible for    your healing and actions! And remember living in the present moment doesn't mean ignoring the future and living recklessly in the present.

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