Hi to you all,
I have now revised and given some TLC to all my posts here and I am in the mood of being back!
2020 has been a year where more then once I thought I should be saying things, I should be sharing some of my knowledge, understanding and skills/tools of navigating life difficulties. But instead, I was feeling like not wanting to talk at all. Twice I did a video on my Facebook page but I didn't felt motivated to do more. But something has shifted in the last few weeks, time to reinvent!
I renamed an old group into - Mentoring with Maria - and attached it to my page. Time to indeed share! And then I came here and decided to also restart this blog. At the same time, I am also relaunching my book - The Seven Lies of the Human Race. I really feel and believe there are so much information and tools so relevant to these present times and with so much information to the self-understanding one needs to heal and improve our lives, so we can indeed be part of this new beginning, era transitions and difficult times, reinventing new suitable ways to live our future lives healing this planet and having a much lower negative impact on it. Time to take responsibility for our ways! For this, we need self-understanding!
So I am excited here!!
Today is the 21-12-2020 a 10 = 1 New beginnings! We are all aware there is this two amazing planets coming together this evening in Aquarius and how this will influence all of us! How this indeed will be shifting things and support the changes needed for the future we need to create.
But please, stop taking this as an overnight change! No light winning, no big Aquarius era! Yes, we are in transit into it, no doubt! But we not yet officially there, we need to wait for... "Bottom line: The Age of Aquarius begins when in March equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces and into the constellation Aquarius. But there's no definite answer as to when that will be" by https://earthsky.org/human-world/when-will-the-age-of-aquarius-begin
Let's be realistic and not think this is the magic saver of the 'new era of Aquarius!' that we (within the spiritual aware), been waiting just like any other religion we have issues with has been wait for their saver!
That we are in its transition (for some time) - yes - but not yet in it!!
Let's stop projecting messiahs coming back to save us or the birth of new one tonight!! Or that this is a start of some blissful era! There will be no bliss until we and only we stop fighting within ourselves, looking for rescuers, and someone or something to blame and playing victims!! Until we know ourselves enough, have the awareness behind our behaviours, thoughts, choices, denials, transferences, projections we can not be at peace or create the peaceful, loving world we so desire.
No one and no cosmic event can bring peace on earth and fix the mess we have created and have allowed being created! Not even God, the Divine, any Angel or Saint or any Alien on the many galaxies out there.
Let’s grow up!! And stop blaming our parents, our societies and our leaders (that we don’t really have) for how messed up we all are!
Yes, they are at fault! Most of us didn’t have a good enough parenting and society and politics have become the worse example of what parenting should be… but we need to also see beyond it, they were the product of their own parents, society beliefs. Is our responsibility now, as awaken and aware human beings to stop passing that trauma, repeating their own mistakes or worse just live in extreme opposition to it all. Extremes are not the answer they both as damaging!
“While Jupiter signifies generosity and fortunate opportunities, it can also lead to egoic greed and delusions of grandeur that requires the contemplative focus of Saturn to trim the excess and strengthen what is ready to ripen. At the same time, we need the inspirational revitalization of Jupiter to mediate the negative side of Saturn that can bring fear over limitations and obstacles and lead to depressive stagnation.” https://www.astrology.com/article/great-conjunction-saturn-conjunct-jupiter-in-aquarius-2020
“Vitally, not only will Jupiter and Saturn be uniting in Aquarius, they will also be forming a catalytic square aspect with Uranus in Taurus. At this pivotal moment in our journey, the lightning bolts of Jupiter and Uranus will not only bring down old societal structures but will also impel us to release old personal dreams and drama we have been attached to. There will be new challenges and unknown potential arising as we begin a new era of Jupiter and Saturn that we will need to make space for in our lives. During 2020 ask yourself what you need to leave behind and what you truly desire to carry forward.”
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