Monday, 3 March 2014

Meditation for the Heart 13-2-13

After my first event on Facebook being a success "sending healing to 2013" I thought I wanted to do more of this. It came very obviously that doing something in February made sense and the thought of doing something to attract love even better. An idea was born! 

Now as always we have to find the details... And so it was that I thought of creating a mediation. I like them and I know I can be quite good, being running my monthly group for 3 years now, that is over 30 unique ones 😀 Yes at first I created every single one each month to do with chakras or the subject I was covering and then I started letting myself just be guided and let it flow... Everyone enjoys it and finds it very relaxing, plus I use that time to give the healing in my group so it made sense to do the same here.  

Then it came to me to do a YouTube video 😀 and so it was I end up with this lovely video. For a couple days I attempted to write the mediation, but it was not coming through. I know from experience that the best in this cases is to let it go and so I did and when I tried again it came though in one go... No mending, no changing. I simply love it, the way it works. When I looked and read it, I thought: wow that is the right words. That is the right thing to say... Next, I had to record it and find the music! The music took me forever to find... but finally did it and I am very happy with it. 

Now the next thing was new for me... Recording my voice and listening to it... First time I did that, recording a client session for college I got the shock of my life! Do I really sound like this?! I hate it! Now I am more loving and accepting of myself then I was then, so I can't say I love it but I am ok and I am more use to the idea that voice is really me. Apparently is very comom finding our own voice alien.  

I did it once but I could hear the bell of my cat and it disturbed me, so I did it again next morning with no cat bell and all by myself. I was happy with it now. 
I looked for photos the next day and my partner helped me create the video and get everything together. I have to say it was fun using 'garage band' on a Mac and 'I-video' but it took much longer then I could have imagined, but then again I had no idea... 

I think it was worth it and now I am planning to do more of this. I am planning to do a series on healing the chakras and then I want to try to do a few in subjects to do with counselling. Things like: mediation for depression, anxiety, panic, stress, self-esteem... Gosh, this could be so cool! I am having time at the moment as I am unfortunately almost jobless... And starting my private practice very slowly... So might as well spend the time doing something useful to all 😊 

To many more!

Please listen to it, do it and share it! Plus if spirit draws you to donate a £1 every penny counts and is a nice way of doing some exchange of energy and the service I am offering here. 
Love and light to you all. xxx


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