The use of language with kids, (good, bad boy!), the desperation for 'thank yous' and 'sorry', the shyness and over-politeness... The fear of speaking your mind, of asking for what you want just in case you upset someone or because is not polite.
This has been build into a generation of men and women too scared of being themselves. Too sensitive to understand what is going on inside and too polite to say anything is wrong!
"Hello, how do you do?" "Very well, thank you" It was the first English phrase I learned. That says it all! No one is really interested in knowing how you really feel, and you know it! So you answer a pre-made answer, that is polite but not necessarily true.
Growing up, where kids existed as long as they were not heard, this generation (30ish to 60ish) learned to be invisible, to be behind someone else who speaks for them, who makes decisions for them. They learnt not to trust themselves most of the time because everything they ever did was never good enough...
We live in a society where taking responsibility is not cool. Where people say sorry and expect that all will be ok... Where you take money from others and say sorry and all is forgiven, without proper consequences or this person taking serious responsibility for what they have done.
People kill, use, abuse and say sorry... Some do not even do that... And we are just waiting to be told that is ok, that all will be ok... And we believe it! Because we need to! We need to believe someone else is fixing it for us! Just like a child does, we hope and expect a parent to do so. We are nothing more than kids, with a child's mind, who has not grown up and are living in an adult body. And you know why? Because most of us were never allowed to be real kids: held and respected; loved, cared and heard. So now we are projecting this inner expectation and we are playing up our frustrations with our society, with our system where we are now feeling entitled to receive and be protected, and beheld and be cared for.
I am not wanting to criticise or to show that any other culture is any better, but I am here wanting to wake something up! To shaken our thought and actions. I want this to make you question, to ask yourself if you are happy? If this is really what you are and are you happy with it? If so, good for you! If not, then let's ask questions, let's find answers, let's reach conclusions and solutions. That is what this world needs! We are all fed up of being told what to do, how to act and having to tick a box or fit in a group. We have been fighting for equal rights but we have now confused that with being the same. We are not the same! We are individuals! We have equal rights but we are individuals! And in the society we create we are now invisible and simply one of the many equals that need to fit in some group, may that be colour, race, religion, upbringing, culture, age...
We are told we are equal but we are feeling more and more apart and isolated than ever. If you don't fit in, you are not in! Not in the school, the group of friends, the new mums group, the yoga class... Not in the cafe or the pub you go to. People are losing their individuality, simply following trends, media feeds, and other ways of thinking or acting. We are not making individual choices. We are choosing what everyone is, so we fit in, so we don't look strange. We are not disagreeing so we don't upset: so we don't stand out. So we are not individuals. We are now a bunch of followers who don't even know any longer who or what we are. Who is losing our voice and our capacity of questioning, of wondering about things?
This is for me pure sadness! The disgrace of a generation, in fact, more than a generation. We are passing this on to our children. What is this society going to be in 10, 30 years time? I don't know. Do you?
We are not taking responsibility, for ourselves mainly - and for the 'all'. For we are part of a big group. Look at our planet! We are destroying it but no one is taking responsibility. I read this today by Terri Swearingen: "We are living in this planet as if we had another one to go to." So true! And what came to my mind is not that we are having another planet to go to but that we all know we going to die so we won't be here to pick up the mess! Let's pollute the air, the oceans, the mind of the weak! Let's lie and make ourselves richer and richer and who cares!? I want, I want, I want it now! And we get it! Isn't this what babies do? And our lovely new mothers are obeying, in a society of consumerism and lack of respect for others.
First, we were made to feel invisible and our views and points of views did not count in our family. But at least most of us had the freedom to be outside being children. Now, this new generation is told they are amazing! They are so important! They can achieve anything! They are unique and wonderful and all they need to do is shout, and mum, dad, school teacher, society and all will be at their feet! But this is mostly driven out of guilt from parents who are too busy working or too absent-minded to give good enough emotional attention to these kids so we buy them things, we agree with all things, to be in peace, not to have the crying, again we are not standing up, we are making ourselves invisible and weak. At home, work and in society.
And so we are creating a new society of narcissistic mentalities and personalities. How great! These are the desensitised youngsters who can kill, abuse and feel nothing... the ones who live hours and hours having relationships with computer games... These are the people who will use us as parents and send us to an old people's home and not care! How wonderful! So looking forward to it. But who cares! I might just die before all of this becomes even worse, so I will not be here to see my grandchildren live in hell!
The hell we are all creating by not addressing the basic needs of a child! By not educating and teaching kids about feelings, about exploring thought and feelings and individuality. By not learning about empathy and respect, and self-love, and self-esteem, and valuing their individuality, not because of their colour or background but because they are valued! And parents, why not get more education for yourselves too? The future depends on parenting: on being a good enough parent. So why not give more support to this group that has the biggest and most important job in society!
They need to have a safe place to talk, explore, make sense of their own issues, feelings, anxieties. They need to feel understood and be held and respected as unique too, with their background and childhood history and troubles. This is where therapy for all should be available and easy to access and the stigma that one needs to be not coping or mentally unwell to seek help taken away. They need to have someone who can give genuine time and empathy and hold the 'all' that they are.
The previous generations could blame their lack of knowledge and understanding, but now we all know it! It is simple and clear. Attachment issues, lack of self-belief, lack of good enough mother, etc. are real and important things we all need to address in this society, so we create a better one for generations to come.
We need to stop the idea that 'sorry' fixes all! I personally never liked sorry is far too easily used and given too much power, a power that is an illusion, for sorry does not fix anything! We should not have done it in the first place, pure and simple! But we do this with all things, including ourselves and our bodies. We use them and abuse them and then one day when they start failing we hope for a magic cure, pill and miracle to fix it! But sometimes it is too late! We should have cared for it ourselves! The same with our planet and our society and our families and our children: "Sorry we messed up this world, can we start again?" No, we can't! And we all need to take responsibility for this!
Thank you!
Hi! It took me a little while to respond =)
ReplyDeleteI think some of the things you mention are specific to British culture (the reserved, 'how do you do" politeness but I don't think they are bad) =)
I quite like living in a polite country lol.
Otherwise I was thinking about your comments on this "I'm sorry, am I forgiven?" culture and I have not noticed it in my one-to-one interactions with British people. Granted, I don't own a TV or pay much attention to the media so if this is a part of the culture I wouldn't have noticed. =)
You're right about the freedom that individuality brings: Personally, I have found that not watching TV and not being hooked into the news 24/7 gives me a lot of freedom, breathing space and helps me experience a more lovely side of Britain. I make my own choices, live my life and I'm not constantly bombarded by negative messages.
It's important to be aware of what is going on in the world, but we can do that without being hooked into the constant stream of media. I kind of miss the days when the paper came once a day and that's how we heard about what was going on in the world. Then you could go back to your life and live it for the rest of the day. =)
Dear Geena, yes I too like living in a polite culture and a lot of the old traditions I find myself being a big fan. I am talking of the over politeness that goes over what is needed. The sorry thing I think one doesn't noticed I so much in the one to one contacts but as soon as you a mother... OMG! xxx