Friday 7 July 2023

Living in the Present - a misundertood message! - Part 2

"But isn't living in the present about living the moment, not thinking about the past and not basing the future outcomes based on the past results or then present?"
I had this asked, and I realised I had not mentioned the past...

So here goes my view: Yes indeed being in the present is about the present moment, here and now. But can't be at the cost of ignoring either the past or the consequence of our present choices and actions.
Having the common approach (especially from men): that it is done; I know what happen so what?; What's the point in talking about it and revisiting it? I want to forget it, get in the box, buried it away. It is not the answer and not a healthy approach in the long term.

We need to understand and digest our past! We need to look at it with honesty and ask what it wants to show us. What is there for you to learn, improve or change? Know yourself, know the world!

Look at climate change, for example. Did you realise that the Maya and the Mexica (Aztec) civilisation decline partly because of it?
Yes! We talk of them as civilizations living in harmony with nature, but as much as they did so, they also got carried away in their beliefs and ways that ended up being self-destructive.

They had grown in number a lot, so they were having to exploit the land for food. Then they also over-cut the trees in the forest as they become addicted to painting everything in Lime (which requires many hours of cooking that needs wood!), so they started having longer dry seasons and a lack of food. Here they started panicking and offering more people to the gods as sacrifices.
Also, an interesting fact that we also have not learned from: The Spanish won the battle with the Mexica not because of their wonderful skills but because they carried a virus that killed millions of people! We ignore that we will have more of this as the ice is melting and revealing ancient bugs we have never been in touch with.

So here is the message for today: yes let's not be in the past, let's not go over and over it as victims but let's learn from it. Take responsibility, live a better present fully aware so we create a better future!


Thursday 6 July 2023

Living in the Present - a misundertood message!


We have been getting this message of living in the "Present" moment for ages from the 'New Age movement', all over our social media. But have we misunderstood it? Have we misread it just as we have with past enlightened teachings shared in the Bible, for example? "Love your neighbour as yourself" has been a great one!

I believe this message over the last decades has been a great cause for our present world crisis, in many ways.
Let me explain: by living so focus on the present we have neglected thinking and considering the Future and the consequences of our present actions in the future!
Are you with me? Can you see it?
The overuse of all sorts of resources, the unkindness towards the earth's soil, water, animals, nature, climate, people, etc.

The neglect of our children in our present society is shocking. From the way, mums are 'forced' to get back to work far too early, to the changes in the education system that is focusing more and more on money, ticking boxes, profits and status instead of the mental well-being of our children!
The profit focus of businesses, that are essential in a society is another. Like health, transport, bills, education, etc, that have ignored the needs of the people.

Living in the present moment is not about being even more self-centred and egocentric, but about being aware of ourselves, and the world around us in that moment with responsibility!
Being present is about not being absent of the moment, and not fully aware of our actions.  
Now if we look at our lives, that is not often what is happening when we are all addicted to the distraction of apps, social media, games, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Message for today: Today be present in each moment of your day with consideration for others and responsibility for your choices!

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Gratitude, oh yes let's talk about it...


Gratitude, oh yes let's talk about it... 

We live in an era where this word gets to be used often or we get told of its importance, especially if one is wishing to manifest things in their life. 

But do we understand it? Do we understand how to properly use it?

Maybe not always.

We all want to manifest good things in our lives, including a steady stream of income to live a comfortable life. Right?

So we are told that when we show gratitude for what we have the universe will provide more. But I see people applying this in not such a healthy way. 

Often people get selective over what they are grateful for or show gratitude for. When doing so, they cut or block the flow! 

If the universe provides you with the joy of a sunny day, please be grateful! Is not the £100 you need for that bill but so what? 

The universe provides all, so if you are not grateful for the simple things that give you joy, why would the universe carry on giving you joy and eventually also give you joy from what you want?

I find myself giving thanks for so many things:

  • When the mobile falls and doesn't break or any other thing.
  • When the bus waited for me or arrived as I got to the bus stop
  • When it is a sunny day
  • When I find what I am looking for in the shops

Literaly anything big or small that goes well and so much more...



So here is the message for today: Stop being selective over what you are grateful for! 

Be simply grateful for it all, in most single moments of your life. 

And trust me miracles will happen! In divine time! Not your time! 

(another important fact! Stop forcing it! )



Monday 3 July 2023

Use your struggles wisely

So much to say, but not finding my voice for so long... In a world with so many opinions and a sense that everyone knows it all, I can't bother to find my way to be heard at all. The world is full of blah blah and I want to have short, meaningful messages. 


Best to be silent and simply observe. Not just the world outside me but my inner world. You know one big truth is we can't change this world alone, in the same way, we can't change anyone else. 


But the world and others can serve us well as mirrors. It can show us so many things: what we want to be; what we don't want to be! The things we can't accept or see in ourselves. Note the things we hide in our shadows are not only negative stuff, but often are also our gifts.


So here is the message for you today: use your struggles with others to look at      yourself and look deeper to see what is it wanting to show you about you?!

You are not responsible for anyone or anything else but you are responsible for    your healing and actions! And remember living in the present moment doesn't mean ignoring the future and living recklessly in the present.

Monday 26 April 2021

Energy - Channeled message from spirit

Energy is everywhere, everything is it, there is no ending and no beginning…

The no beginning is something hard to be understood but when something is Eternal, unchangeable, and complete then it always existed. 

If it always existed, there is no beginning and therefore no ending in sight. 

The Universe has existed forever and forever will exist in its unique way and forms. 

Just because I say is Eternal, I am not saying it is always the same and will stay the same!

This is the key understanding, of the principle that it exists but is always changing, always mutating, expanding, and contracting.

Can you see it? Can you see it up there in the stars? Can you see it in your heart? As it expands and contracts it pumps blood, it creates energy just like a battery.

I tell you now, your fear of the end of Earth is an understandable one, just because you are so used to stability and wish for what is known, fearing what isn’t … But this planet will not end for many trillions of human years, but indeed it will change, and it will change immensely with you all in it or without.

The life you seek might indeed have to change, the truth you been told will need to be relearned. The reality under your eyes will also have to change for you to survive, for you to adapt. 

Remember all flows, all is changing, all is in movement. The resistance to change will be your extinction. Be open to adapt, reflect on your actions, be open to learning new ways, explore new views, to become something different, something new. Take responsibility for being you.

You are part of it all, without you, the whole will not be whole. You not alone, ever. But you need to work together, exist together, take responsibility together. 

As above so below, so be it. 

Saturday, 24th April 2021

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Dear Daughter, I am sorry

Dear Daughter, 

I am so sorry for the world I have contributed to creating for you!
Nothing I will ever say will be enough to express the shame and guilt I feel. 
I did not see all this coming, I did not expect this for you... 
When I had you, there was hope and optimism in the future. 

Yes, there were things needing to be improved, but not on the scale there is now.
And I believed they were going to be addressed and improved.
The pollution, the climate change, the capitalism, the consumerism, the lack of recycling, the waste, the damaging of the planet forests and animals, the overeating, the lack of care of the animals we eat, the additives in our food, the lack of support for the poor, the education, the health care, and mental care, the racism, the inequality, the women rights and protection, the abuse of power, and so much more...

Yes, we had all this then! But I believed it was going to get better, not worse! 
But 20 years later, all is so much worse and we reached a breaking point I did not expect to see in my lifetime.

I apologize for my naivety, I am sorry I believed in human intelligence and common sense. 
I am here for you, but I feel lost in what actions can I take to really make a difference for you and your future. And because of that, I feel embarrassed looking at you, yes I do! 

Feeling this powerless for a mother is the worse feeling. We are lovers and carers, and protectors. We want you all to grow up safe, healthy, and be happy. I trust you will find a way, but the burden on you is so unfair! You and your generation,  have already had to grow up so fast, and become adults and now you been given this immense task of finding solutions to save this planet, to bring solutions to the problems the generations before you left... all out of their own greed, and/or trust in leaders, governments, institutions, religions that were never on our side but only just considering their position of power and growth. 

I have hope and trust in your abilities, courage, and intelligence. I just want you to know this.

All my love with an immense retreat in getting you in this position.
Hope you can find in your heart the ability to forgive

Mum x

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Trump - looking back at my views on 9 March 2016

 Is Donald Trump becoming the living shadow side of America? Or even the world? 

I am not following too much of this madness of the American presidential election, but unless I would have moved to another planet it is impossible to avoid it. 

What is striking me is his popularity and how it is becoming more and more possible that America will have him as a President very soon, and the world will have to face having relationships with such a man. 

Why so popular? I have reflected and I realize he is saying what many people want to say! 

But has become unpopular, unethical, racist, wrong, etc... But just because we don't say it, doesn't mean we don't think it! It doesn't mean we don't feel it! Finally, someone is giving permission to all to say it! No matter how uneducated, racist or wrong it sounds! 

Again here is the example of the society we live in, where we get to be told to be good, follow orders, rules, be nice, polite, embrace all as one! Be kind and loving. Be light, be the light to the world. But what is the cost? The cost is that we are not talking about our darkness, our dark secrets, desires, how cruel and evil we are, how racist we all are! 

We have been made to feel disgusted by 'difference'! By things out of place or out of ordinary! We live in a duality world, there is me and then there is you! Ok, this might not be the reality, the real deep one but is the reality to the human eye! In a 3d world!

So yes we might have to live through looking at Trump as a mirror of our own stuff, the one we don't own, the one we don't like and feel ashamed and embarrassed about! So maybe Trump is here to serve us all! Maybe there will be more wars and abuse of power, but then how much can we all take until we wake up!? Maybe he is a good thing, he is the last pull this elastic, the society we live in needs to break! It will hurt a lot of us for sure but also it will wake up a lot of us!

America didn't see what they had, they didn't value it enough, but soon they will see what they lost by being confronted by the reality of what we left with when the sun goes away... Darkness!